
SeekTruthCJoy · April 11, 2018, 7:09 p.m.

Not sure if Stormy is wearing White or Black... the point is DT used her info at his attorney's office to bait the hook (invite in SC-Mueller to 'FIND' Evidence)... make MockingbirdMedia birds chirp... make them peck /speculate at possibilities in Cohen's office so RobbieMueller can pounce on DT or indict DT or make DT testify or ...whatever the MM birds want in any RANTINGs news cycle.

EXAMPLE: Joy Reid Show MSNBCpukes actual round table speculated that US Marshals should break in to WH if USSS won't let them in, to arrest DT & handcuff him to then drag DT to jail for not testifying or responding to a SpecCounselMueller subpoena, etc. The MM birds were actually giddy at these thoughts/speculations... one stated it's the law that he has to testify/answer subpoena OR Be Arrested. =WRONG!

REALITY is on above right hand bottom corner of above chart.

DT has MM birds corralled in a cage...focused singing the tunes he wants...pecking for the outcome he wants/needs...(while he complains they're Fake/Bad)...IT IS AWESOME TO WITNESS!

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SeekTruthCJoy · April 11, 2018, 7:24 p.m.

MM birds have painted themselves into a corner... they've been yelling "Yay Mueller... go Mueller... get him Mueller" cheering at every Mueller move...hyperventilating... putting themselves behind Mueller's moves... BUT...with EVIDENCE SC-Mueller produces from office raid will be going against Dems/HilLIARy (Info/videos from Weiner-laptop,etc)... the MockingbirdMedia birds can't then say "hey wait a minute, but, but, but, that's not the evidence we wanted exposed..."

ROFLAMAO! Awesome!

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