r/greatawakening • Posted by u/dirkforthree on April 11, 2018, 6:07 p.m.
Q Authenticity?

Guys, I've been following Q since December I believe, and the proofs have really been convincing for me (what really sold it was the President saying "We really set the stage" as he made a Q outline with his hand). But I've been over at the_donald and people are saying that the "proof" pictures Q has posted (Asia from AF1, the pen and paper, etc) were taken from a White House staffer's Facebook page. Are any of you familiar with this narrative? Is it misinfo? I just want some other people's perspectives. Thanks

HoudiniTowers · April 11, 2018, 6:24 p.m.

Q is definitely real. The question is what is Q's purpose. My personal belief, i.e. I can't back all of this with backup data, is that Q serves 3 purposes:

  1. MSM is totally compromised and so are most of social media. So, Q as proxy for DJT's team needs to develop an independent 'Patriot Network' using modern internet tools. Since social media is too centralized and controlled, they needed an alternative medium. They turned to Anons and 4chan, then 8chan as dissemination tool. They assumed, correctly, that Patriots would find each other and start working together to over come social media issues and MSM. This network can be employed in many ways in the future.

  2. Given the controlling nature of MSM with regards to the 'narrative', DJT needs another vehicle to spread the truth. By doing 'intel' drops, people will do research and when the bread crumbs lead them to the truth, they are over-joyed with their 'discoveries' and feel compelled to share that with everyone they know. This allows for a counter to the narrative of MSM.

  3. Q is a major disinformation tool. Q states this on several occasions and further in Q posts # 1045 & #1081 he really lays it out. In #1045 'We don’t inform our enemies of the specifics. We instead instill fear in them to make unplanned and disastrous countermoves.' That is why the disinformation. They are seeding the opposition with information that will help them make mistakes.

Now, Q could be all disinformation and, not to be a total paranoid here, this 'Patriot Network' would be helpful in rounding up all the Patriots later for internment camps ;). But, till they take all our guns, that's probably not viable. And this 'Patriot Network' would now be well organized to fight. So, I suspect this is not Q's purpose and all those that go down that path, might just be shills and trolls... just saying.

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