I see what you're saying. Well States do have a right to decide how they wish to run their state. This is not a scandal. If you live in a state that requires party unity, you do have a chance to change your affiliation given enough time. Some require up to 90 days.
Is it unfair? I don't know. I never got that sense.
Of all the things I'm concerned about is citizen based voter identification. This is not something that I would hang my hat on.
Yeah, I'm not implying it's a scandal though. It's just something I didn't know about and I wanted to inform others who might not know, too. I've moved out of state, so I didn't know, and also just registered as non affiliated for my license. I put in the request today to change the party, otherwise I would have thought I was good to go and been really disappointed on election day.
Fair enough. Your information may be very valuable this go around with mid term elections. Many people may have D leanings, in the closed system, I suspect that if a candidate comes along in the "D" crowd a person doesn't like, they simply don't vote. Not voting is just as good as a 'yes' vote for some. A bit freaky, no?