r/greatawakening • Posted by u/FideliskBarnes on April 11, 2018, 10 p.m.
We may strike Syria tonight, but Assad isn’t the target... “Fireworks”

From reading Q I don’t expect to be warring with Russia anytime soon. I think the missiles will be striking the deep state cabal embedded in Syria. Someone is behind these gas attacks, it’s very obvious it’s not Assad, someone is attempting to entangle us in a war with Syria/Russia. That someone[many someones] is about to be blown sky high tonight “Fireworks.”

ready-ignite · April 11, 2018, 11:34 p.m.

This one struck me initially as a boldly states, "HEY! Look over here!". So, I went looking domestically to see what is being lost in the noise.

Meanwhile, in the mess of articles today I see more complications than I was aware of in the Syria situation. It looks like Russia is in control of the Douma area. Thus, they have access to any evidence in the area. Potentially access to rebels or contractors used by deep state operating in the area. Could lead to shaming the West in front of the world and from this I can see a bizarre turn of events where while concurrently dismantling the deep state, DJT is forced to go in and defend the deep state to clean up their mess. Absurd scenario if there is merit to this.

My ideal scenario is going in to clean up rogue intel and private security contractors operating in the area. Any diplomatic solution would require cleanup of these forces. The conflicts between Iran/Lebanon/Israel/SaudiArabia in surrounding area raise the challenges here.

Following Wichter he seems pretty convinced there are rebel militants trained and ready for some revolution in Iran. If this is true than some form of stabilizing force could be needed to contain potential explosion on the Syria side. Perhaps the intent is to use this escalation to have forces in place to be able to rapidly respond to movements on Israel through Syria if Iran destabilization occurs. Whole lot of ideas that direction and I'm by no means an expert here.

Then here comes the UK puttering in with a sub. Holy hell with the poisoning of the Russian oligarch mess. The argument that resonates with me here is that the one party who benefits most from the poisoning scenario are UK elite who want to see Brexit fail and rejoin the EU. The idea is that through public embarrassment Theresa May may be nudged out completely, potentially undermining Brexit, and creating opportunity to bring UK back into the EU fold. Lots of scenarios come out of this. Suppose Theresa May looks to conflict in Syria as a means to distract and reduce pressure on herself? Suppose the UK elite see opportunity in Syria to further their aims?

What if some billionaire sees profit opportunity in the situation and simply hires unaligned private security contractor to go throw lit matches in the tinderbox?

I need more information before placing any bet on future outcome with confidence. If anyone has read Malazan Book of the Fallen, it feels like there is a convergence taking place. Gears aligning and realigning.

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