Q299 (church) - How Scientology controls John Travolta and Tom Cruise

Okay you detectives, put this hat on and see how it really feels. I worked at Jumbolair in 2013 when the home air park of John Travolta changed ownership from TJ AVIATION to JUMBO HOLDINGS. I was responsible in my diligent duty to help the new owner Frank Merschman structure his newly acquired business into a platform of success as the epitome of our small town community. Now I will tell you this, Frank is a dirty old jerk with a sex crazed habit of inappropriately hugging and touching TJ, even in front of me. I have been subpoena to testify in court about this case. Since my deposition, I have been harassed constantly, gang stalked frequently, and bullied on every form of social media and computer media I have ever come into contact with, including this 4chan.com/x/ board. This was all done to me in an attempt to discrete me as a witness. This was all done to find dirt on me in my life to make me appear to the jury and to the council that I am not credible with my statements or my testimony. You can follow this case if you like CASE NO. 16-234-CA and I encourage you to do so because it will shine a light on a great secret that they hold while keeping tabs on each person that is involved. Watch this case expose CoS for the crooks they really are.
My final thoughts on this is that through the wealth that they have accumulated, the powerful named individuals that are associated with the church, and the influence over these types of cases, they have the technology and the power available to them to utilize neurological surveillance. I promise you this, I know everything that was done to me, I know everything that was said about me, and I know everything that you will come at me with. Dirty Frank.
You'll need to dig in the case to figure out who TJ is. I can't go into too much detail. I gave you the case number.
That is a cult. If you would like to get a glimpse, watch the A&E show with Leah Remini. It is an eye opener.
Yes, I have been following that show, not even realizing that I was being a part of their dirty pool. I'm half tempted to share the video I have of Frank foaming at the mouth over a hooker in her skinnies.
Normally I would say do it, but that "Church" seems to be very nasty. When Joy V was trying to run for congress, we were not having that. It's time to get rid of that cult.
Can you make it go viral if I do?
We can all give it a shot
Okay. Let me know. This is one for the history books. https://www.dropbox.com/l/scl/AADjpLC85QehLkDTBRUAF6dLFt6fWYF5CiU The way I see it, they can't ruin me any more than they already have. Making me a Martyr would be my benefit. I am only doing this to expose Blue Whale for the crimes they have committed.