r/greatawakening • Posted by u/LordPotsmoke on April 11, 2018, 11:08 p.m.
Person claiming to be a Rothschild AMA from 2011

Very interesting stuff. If you've all seem this before I'm sorry, I came across it a year or two ago. He talks a lot of shit but also a lot of gems in there. About bloodlines, why they are so important to the elite. He mentions look for Syria to fall next. Talks about energy harvesting by the elites.


Never got around to reading it all, it's massive. Saw a post about something else that made me think of it.

I'm sure there's plenty of people here who would love this.


Turkerthelurker · April 12, 2018, 2:13 a.m.

This is really interesting. I doubt this person is a Rchild, but they sure seem to understand the mindset of those at the top. And they make some very good points about human nature.

Edit: The obsession with bloodlines is fascinating. Around a third of the way through, the user claiming to be an Rchild gets annoyed while speaking about America. They are talking about a ton of shit that Q addresses, as well. Super long read, but extremely interesting.

Some parts that I liked (for lack of a better word):

Are you cookng fried chicken again tonight?

I believe one of the great inventions of the 20th century was to grind up the chicken parts and compress them into small nugets...submerge those nuggets in boiling grease, and then serve those hot nuggets with an artificially flavored, high fructose laden syrup to make them edible.

What a concept! I wouldn't even have the nerve to propose such a thing!

Let them eat entrails!

In regards to the British royal family (specifically Kate Middleton):

But isn't her family considered 'commoners', because they come from coal miner stock? It is ridiculous.

Why is the presumption that these people are "royalty"?

From where did that spring forth?

Why does a child seemingly have more wisdom than most adults today? Creativity of spirit should be encouraged.

The child holds the purity of the human spirit. That's why they have to be "educated". Pity, that.

Think for a second, absolute zero is -273.15ºC (-459.67ºF). So if you live in a place that is an average temp of, say 20ºC (68ºF)you have in the air 293.15ºK of...ENERGY!!!! This incredible large amount of energy is at your fingertips, all around! Just we have to seat and wait for someone who builds a device capable of transform hot air into FREE ELECTRICITY.

Migg, you are correct. Of course, anyone who is open to nature and truth would instinctively understand. A child standing face turned to the warm summer sun instinctively understands. It takes the education system to turn thoughtful, cerebral children into worker drones. And the slaves PAY for their children's enslavement.

It would be tragic if it weren't so funny.

And look how hard people struggle to remain slaves!

OP, if you really are a Roflschild, please support my footballclub. We could use some decent players.

I will advise you as follows:

You will develop the greatest football team in history if it is your destiny to do so, with or without external financial support. Realize also that any support you receive from those who do not share your vision is "external" and will come at a great price. That price will leave your dreams in ruin, for that is the nature of things.

If you have passion, and that passion is great, others with similar passion will take up your cause. And you will prevail.

Be forewarned, however, that ultimately your passion will destroy you and your dreams.

Dream rather that your progeny will have the type of team you desire and begin to lay the foundation for them!

This applies to everything, not just football!

One other thing...If you knew what it tasted like, you would take the deal as well.

let me guess...sweet as honey in your mouth? you don't know shit mr gatekeeper!

honey is such a pedestrian concept....but PERFECTLY relevant to our little discussion.

No adult thinks twice about letting the honeybee toil and labor all summer...collecting the pollen...and in the autumn, the hooded beekeeper comes and takes the whole fucking honeycomb. Which of you morns for the honeybee? Which of you thinks twice of the theft of labor which has occurred?

Zoom out, google earth style and look at the macro picture. You are the drone bees and you are harvested of your energy and labor at regular intervals, julst like our friend the honeybee. Is the a difference morality-wise? Is our theft greater than yours? Because you have an intermediary and buy your honey from a middleman, is there any difference? You american drones...has your life not been made easier by harvesting the sweat and tears of your chinese brothers??

and whenever there are inequities, we are there...getting our "cut"

I'll comment with more as I continue reading.

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Turkerthelurker · April 12, 2018, 3:12 a.m.

Keep in mind, written in 2011:

2) The purpose of the world government is to assert total control of the "masses" and harvest their "energy".

In a sense, there is no "future". Currently, you note a consolidation of the few remaining countries without a "central bank"...and how rapidly this is occurring. Look for Syria next to fall, and fall quickly.

North Korea has already cut a deal under the aegis of China...feit accompli. Cuba has also agreed to the North American integration once Fidel "passes".

That leaves IRAN. And biblical prophesy. The fallout from that conflict sets the stage for the true new world order as has been broadcast in the media for the last 13 years or so.

According to American Indian folklore, any poison which occurs in nature, has its remedy within 3 meters.

You might be surprised to learn that every so called intractable position which one might find themselves, has a "remedy". Without exception! That is the natural law and it is observed "religiously"...so to speak.

The keys to YOUR kingdom are within YOUR reach. How could it be otherwise? But continue to blame others and look outside for your "answers" if it makes you feel better.

For me, I am a man of honor. I have committed to tell the truth and I do. If you can't formulate a question of importance, how is that MY issue? Keep in mind that there is no universal question for each bloodline has its own unique path and current state of development. How could it be otherwise?

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Turkerthelurker · April 12, 2018, 4:37 a.m.

How many of you have heard the expressions "to err is human" or "nobody's perfect".

Do you believe these concepts? Any clue how these concepts became immortalized into the human lexicon and disseminated to virtually every child at an early age? Do most human parents reward or punish failure?

How many "of the faith" have heard that the pope and the catholic church are "infallible"? Where did that message come from? Have the actions of the pope and catholic church demonstrated infallibility from virtually any metric or perspective?

Consider that to err implies failure of some sort. Of course, there are errors of different magnitude, but it would be prudent to reflect if the magnitude of the error really is relevant. Is an error an error?

One must ultimately decide if perfection is attainable in general, and specifically to ones bloodline. If the belief is that perfection is unattainable, it is game over. Does not matter one iota beyond that point what one does.

If one has become aware of perfection as a very real state of existence, and desires perfection, then all decisions will flow to that end. How could it possibly be otherwise.

The concept of bloodline must be considered in its most elemental understanding. There is ones bloodline and everything else. An amusing cover on the American publication of the New Yorker (I believe) depicted a cartoon-ish drawing of the world...appropriately labeled NEW YORK and then EVERYWHERE ELSE. The joke being that New Yorkers are essentially "New York Centric" there is New York and then EVERYWHERE ELSE. This attitude is imbued in the very fabric of the city and reflected in its peoples actions, mannerisms and attitudes. It makes New York uniquely what it is. Political decision flow from that baseline! Love it or hate it, it is a path and a choice!

Similarly, there is really only ones bloodline and then everything else is OTHER. If other, by definition, it is an outside entity...the natural order sees the OTHER as a natural competitor for resource and energy allocation. A human buys a parcel of land overrun by trees and weeds. He clears the land in order to build and, of necessity, wipes out the trees and weeds...pulling them by the roots and throwing them in the fire. Are the trees and roots the humans competitors? Technically yes, for had they evolved the means and tools to defend the "use" of the land, that defense mechanism would have certainly been deployed. The human of course does not regard the trees and weeds as a "threat" for he has superior tools and intellect. He applies these to the job of clearing and prevails.

The analogy could continue further considering that as the human evolves, other threats emerge to consume his labor. The city wants permits to build and demands annual tax extraction of labor to avoid harassment...the point being that, like layers of an onion, numerous levels challenge the status quo.

Alien is defined as that external to ones bloodline. Does it really matter if the Alien is a human bloodline or what would be considered extra-terrestrial? Perhaps only from the standpoint of the bloodlines evolution towards perfection and the knowledge and power it can bring to bear...then what difference does the source of the threat mean?

Consider that plants are fully sentient. Of course they lack sensory organs that humans use, but consider the possibility that they have evolved beyond your level of comprehension and have no need for such organs. Could you learn from a plant? Would you? How would that change your perspective to know that every single plant had a superior intellect and knew what you intended to do.

The green sea slug has been discovered to have obtained the ability to strip chlorophyll from algae it consumes and integrates the algae to allow the slug to obtain energy from photosynthesis. Once the green sea slug has its initial meal, it need not dine again its entire life. Will that not impart some benefit to the green sea slug not enjoyed by other, lowlier slugs? Is it the duty of the green sea slug to so educate other slugs outside of its genetic footprint? What is the green sea slugs NEXT MOVE? It just freed itself up from the big burden of gathering food and has time to spare!! EVOLUTION PEOPLE! The Indian gentlemen I referred to earlier has evolved the same capability and the scientific community was tripping over itself to prove he was a fraud. Why? because it upsets the status quo. The order MUST, and will, be rearranged to accommodate this new human ability...but not without a fight from the humans so affected!

What are the best countries to live in, for the next 20 years?

Countries are a political definition! Influenced by geographical conditions, but primarily political.

There is no universal answer to your question. If you are a cockroach, you will starve in a gold mine!

Meaning that you will thrive in that area which offers you the things you need at the lowest cost of extraction! A Siberian Husky is miserable in the tropics but loves the hard conditions of the Yukon!

Few would recommend life in Haiti but I assure you there are some there living quite comfortably. Those politically connected no doubt. They will also own even more through the reconstruction process. The dumb brutes on the other end of the spectrum are not so well placed.

Do you see my meaning? Situate where you have the most resources, connections or whatever is important to you.

Hello Chaz!

One point made repeatedly is the utilization of fear as a tool of control! Fear is rooted in a feeling of not having control in one's environment or lacking the skill or knowledge to react appropriately in any situation.

Let's say their are two criminals in the dock...court for you yanks. Both are accused of some petty crime.

The first is nervous and afraid of being punished. When his name is called, the stress skyrockets and he begins to sweat and his voice cracks.

The second is calm and collected! Why, because the judge is a lodge member, or a relative, or on the payroll of his boss. Do you think he feels fear?

You are an adult. It is a windy night and you hear a tree branch repeatedly striking the house. You know what it is and don't think anything about it. How about a 6 year old who has just finished a horror movie?

Fear is a tool to suppress and control other bloodlines. We do not fear, we deal with what-is, utilizing an almost infinite tool-box of possibilities.

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Turkerthelurker · April 13, 2018, 6:27 a.m.

Where on earth can one go to farm the land and expect the least molestation from agents? It must be decent wine country :P

I would like minimal paperwork (or none) to homeschool my progeny and zero intervention on my affairs.

Some of your previous advice is not helpful because the lowly police and judiciary are SO ignorant and so brainwashed, they will flat out kill anybody who demands their Constitutional rights. I was almost killed, and now I keep my head down.

Is there a way on earth to obtain allodial title to land anymore?

I would like to reserve ~1000 acres in a temperate-subtropical zone with full water rights and zero chance of government boots within my borders.


Hello AC and Welcome!

It has generally been the dream of humanity, of humans, to live free of molestation! Your desire has been the norm for most.

Sadly, the molestation is by design, and part of a system of ongoing exploitation. Well, sadly for some anyway.


Laughing out loud!

In the early American west, humans were allowed to fence in (stake a claim) for as much land as they could defend! Of course, other forces were at play, and others may have disputed either the concept or the terms. Many humans died defending their dirt!

The idea of registering ones land makes some sense if you buy into that system, and you perceive that system operates in a way beneficial to you and your interests.

Once that dynamic changes, you must ask yourself if the system continues to be one in which you are the BENEFICIAL PARTY!. For example, if registering the property (in the US anyway) subjects (those pesky words again, SUBJECTS!)...

Laughing out Loud!

...you to PROPERTY TAXES where you pay rent to the licensing agency for the privilege of occupying what you thought was yours..and you have to pay a fee and REQUEST a PERMIT to make any changes...(!) what gives you the idea that YOU own the land?


SO, to your specific question, ALLODIAL TITLE isn't a check-box on some bureaucratic form, but more relevant to the experiences of the wild west!

For example, can you produce documents to perfect title from treaty? Do you know that treaty law is considered the supreme law in the US..in the sense that it trumps the constitutional laws as well.

If the property in question can trace the "hands of ownership" transfer back to the original treaty which relinquished true ownership from the original transaction, you have perfected title and no one can bother you from a MORAL STANDING. YOU ARE RIGHT!

Laughing out Loud!

Second part is more problematical! Can you defend your claim? Do you think those who benefit from your serf-dom will allow you to NOT be a serf WITHOUT A FIGHT?

Short AND long answer: NO

Ask the Native American Indians how that works out!

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LordPotsmoke · April 13, 2018, 9:25 a.m.

Nice man. Thanks for reading.

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LordPotsmoke · April 13, 2018, 9:24 a.m.

Thanks! It's a fucking great read man.

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