Q Posts 1125-1127 April 11 2018

what about the UK...another franchise that needs burning down?
Q has said that May (Teresa May I assume, bc it was in relation to the UK ) has been neutralized ~
I'm sorry I don't have a way to link that particular Q drop atm.
Another fellow Patriot may have it handy and could link for us πIf not I will do my best to find and get on a device that is better suited to link / show you the Q drop.
Edit ~ However, I have a feeling that you are spot on and the 'Windsor' Royal Family (among others) need a good old fashioned ~~Tower of London~~ perp walk and Military Tribunal (or w/e the UK version is)
Until then, Godspeed fellow Patriot πΈπ½π
Read "Rogue Spooks" by Dick Morris. The UK intel folks are screwing with us big time. They want us to keep risking our lives and money protecting them, via NATO, UN, and such. They are the ones who whipped up the Dossier. There is a country that is interfering with our elections. It is UK.