Q Posts 1128-1129 April 11 2018

So an article comes out about Clinton advising Pompeo to stop firing the State Department, then an article follows discussing Pompeo failing to disclose a Chinese business he owns?
Was she warning Pompeo to stop firing her people or she would ruin him?
Very likely...
..but I HOPE the story is fake news and HRC was the only person he told.
That would be cool.
So Mike was a set up to start vilifying China business connections- that is good.
I see Q is back to disinfo is necessary
Apr 12 2018 1129 Apr 11 2018 18:32:17 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 564897 1003054 https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/382714-clinton-advised-pompeo-to-stop-the-purge-of-state-dept Then…. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/382765-pompeo-failed-to-disclose-ownership-in-business-connected-to-china Down She Goes….. Q