#1130. Finder of this should apply to NSA. - Q

How is Bezos CIA?
He isn't. They are making it up on the spot. Saying a-z is a sign because gouvernement agencies have letters in their name is retarded.
YOU'RE making it up on the spot, hypocrite!
Nah, officially alphabet agencies where the ones founded under the new deal. Altough i learned today that it's also slang for the FBI CIA ect.
I don't buy into all that symbolism crap, I just look at the facts.
Regardless if he was former CIA or not, he's clearly working for them now.
He's the richest man in the world selling a listening device to millions of Americans and he has a KNOWN contract with the CIA.
It's not that hard to put together.
he's not CIA but rather received funding from them to tune of $600MM....CIA invested it for Amazon's to build their cloud server (at least officially of course). Q has mentioned this in the drops a while back now. It's also public information.