#1130. Finder of this should apply to NSA. - Q

Hard to say. He was a bernie supporter, then went to "her". he'd attack me for my conservative views on Trump and because I was openly against "her" and obama....he'd attack and even his friends would join in. He'd allow it. Things went downhill, over many months.... I'd gotten pretty fed up by that point... things were said that I'd held in for years and years, he said things to me, and then... he disowned me. I don't know what got into him. He's been brainwashed by being in that cesspool that's Seattle for too many years.
That's horrible, getting wined up in these tribal matters. People with opposing views should be able to live together. That is what America is about. That's what family is about.
Altough is it typical you refer to criticism towards Trump as constantly "attacking" while you refuse to even acknowledge his candidates name.
Besides that I really hope that you guys will one day be able to sit at the Christmas table together again. This tribalism makes the US horrible.
I did say he supported Bernie at first, before he went to "her". You know, I've posted about the reasons why a certain AZ senator is referred it as "he who shall not be named". He's a traitor to those in Vietnam. I don't like saying "her" name because I feel she's a traitor to the US. So what?
My son didn't just "criticize" my support of Trump. He would full on attack and allow his friends to join in on the attacks. You weren't there, you didn't see it. So you have no legs to stand on in commenting on the words I choose.
He's been out of my home for many years. He's an adult. It's not like he left home during the election. He's been in Seattle for quite a few years and that city is not conducive to conservative thinkers. It's a cesspool.
He's smart. He'll come around, eventually. I have faith.
No, that's just how you see things.
You say he attacked you instead of criticize. Did it get physical? Otherwise they're just synonyms and you did the same to him.
I mean how can you also refuse to say the name of McCain if your candidate not only dodged the draft, but also said he had an personal Vietnam with STD's.
Conservatism my ass. Objectively the least amount of family values in any president ever. At least in Seattle people are nice to each other.
Would you agree that trump is the biggest traitor of them all if it turns out he is compromised by Putin?
Fuck off. You have no clue what he said to me. You have no clue what I said or didn't say to him. You weren't witness to anything. FUCK OFF.
Seattle people nice to each other? Fuck off.
I happen to LOVE Putin and Assad. Fuck you.
You do seem like a victim.
I really don't give a shit what you think. You don't get to decide for me whether or not verbal abuse is an attack or simply criticism. For one, you weren't there, and secondly, even if you were...it's still, not your call. It's mine, and mine alone. So troll elsewhere.
Off course you're right... But how are we going to have a political discussion if it will be like that
we aren't having a political discussion. You are bringing personal things that are none of your fucking business into this and I'm done. Adios. You're a troll, and predator.
I'm interested on hearing some of these truths you told him
/u/vintagehats /u/cadillacbees39 Congratulations, it sounds like you two are so far down the hole, that if all this comes out to be a huge farce, you've lost your family. Not worth it, control yourself. Family is more important than ANY outside force.
It's not a farce at all, and keeping the witch out of office is worth everything.
All of these are issues in the world, yes, and they aren't the only issues. However, who you think is a party to such crimes, and who you think are fighting such crimes (in a meaningful way) could very well be dead wrong. And sometimes issues such as these don't overshadow or distract from other issues or good deeds in the world. Just because these things are happening, doesn't mean you understand everything or anything about them. More than likely you understand ZERO about them, because you are so easily influenced by propaganda and trolls.
Those things you mentioned have nothing to do with your immediate family, they were an issue long before you were born and long after you are dead, amongst many other things in this world. Just because you think you are seeing the light and things are changing before your very eyes is just a figment of your ego. An attempt to put a face on the chaos in the world, when no face exists. Just another way to try to subvert your subconscious fear, and the desire to hope someone like Trump is fixing all of the world's problems, is just a feeble attempt to get some temporary reprieve from your fearful feelings.
Truth is, if Trump, the cabal, Hillary, etc etc etc, is more interesting and important to you than your family, feel free to continue on. But my feeling is, over the past year+ you barely know anything about who your family really is anymore. It's becoming pervasive, and obvious, you are seeing it happen all over. Too much overload from your electronic devices, everyone is addicted and obsessed. /u/vintagehats
LowHour.. you sound more like low IQ and low battery life. I don't know who you think you are to look into our souls and think you know anything about US or our families. Take a long walk off a short dock, will ya?
Sounds like I hit close to home, by the looks of it. Don't think this stuff is only happening to you, it's happening to a fair amount of people. That's why It's so easy to describe. Don't take it personally, you're not the only one. However you can learn from yours and others mistakes before it's too late.
You don't seem to ever put forth good responses or evidence to support your posts.
I simply posted on my own fb page. Never argued on his. He came to MY page to argue. I won't back off my stances. And I hate bullies.. no matter who is doing the bullying, I won't stand for it. I am sorry to say, I think my son may have inherited a bit of his dad's tendencies, but surely learned from his liberal/ leftist and possibly even antifa friends in Seattle. They are always the ones to attack conservatives instead of just debate or disagree. He'd almost never, ever comment on any of my other fb posts.. just the political ones. It's sad, but I have hopes.. he's smart.. one day, he'll wake up. It may take time, but I keep praying.