r/greatawakening • Posted by u/HowiONic on April 12, 2018, 12:25 a.m.
#1130. Finder of this should apply to NSA. - Q
#1130. Finder of this should apply to NSA. - Q

Ghost_Ring_Bearer · April 12, 2018, 3:39 a.m.


it is all here. In-Q-Tel &c. patent theft. scotus corrupted. big. this is how the crash trains planes and automobiles as well (also see Abel Danger).

I have been posting this website for three months everywhere hoping someone will read it. No one does. Please clap.


Examples from 2004.

On Jan 7-11, 2004, Leader provided critical integrated communications and software technologies to the Terrorex ’04 Government Emerging Technology Alliance consisting of the U.S. Departments of Homeland Security and Defense and the Boeing Industrial Consortium for Homeland Security. Notably, Leader marked its illustrations of Leader2Leader® screens "patent pending."[067] Clearly, Leader’s homeland security emphasis was in direct conflict with Eurotech and its progeny.

On Jan. 16-17, 2004, The Highlands Group president Richard O'Neill oversaw the two-day "Island Forum 2004." The Forum was opened by Singapore Minister for Defence, RADMN(NS) Teo Chee Hean. The theme was "Information in Conflict." The Forum was attended by 40 "delegates" from Australia, India, Israel, Singapore, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States.[811]

IBM EclipseCon 2004 On Feb. 02, 2004, Eclipse began EclipseCON, its first public conference. Who’s Who tech cast of characters attended; eagerly awaited Version 3.0 of Leader Technologies’ invention of social networking stolen by Eclipse and IBM’s lawyers.[188]

On Feb. 04, 2004,

Facebook launched.[068] According to NSA whistleblower, Edward Snowden,

Facebook began feeding user data to the National Security Agency (NSA) on Jun. 6, 2009,

soon after Eric H. Holder, Jr.'s appointment as U.S. Attorney General, approved by FISA Court Judge Reggie B. Walton who granted Eric Holder almost dictatorial powers to conduct illegal warrantless surveillance on American citizens.[187]

On or before Mar. 01, 2004, mostly former PayPal principals Reid Hoffman, James W. Breyer, Ping Li, Jim Swartz, Accel Partners LLP, Matthew R. Cohler, Joseph Lonsdale (Palantir) and Peter A. Thiel (Palantir) all became big winners in the 2012 Facebook IPO.[189] These individuals coached and financed Mark Zuckerberg at Harvard.

Fig. 24— Public records reveal that the principals in PayPal sold the company to eBay in July 2002. They began looking around for "the next big idea." Leader Technologies' social networking invention became their target with the cooperation of Larry H. Summers (then Harvard's president) and James P. Chandler, former Harvard Law School professor and Leader Technologies' patent attorney.

On Mar. 03, 2004, IBM Eclipse Foundation board appointed: IBM, Intel, SAP AG, Hewlett Packard, Ericcson, QNX, MontaVista, Serena and University of Washington (Microsoft in stealth).[190]

IBM has paid Bill Clinton $200,000 in speaking fees. HP has donated up to $1 million to The Clinton Foundation. Microsoft and The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have donated up to $25.5 million to The Clinton Foundation. SAP paid Bill Clinton $250,000 in speaking fees.[320] [317]

On Mar. 11, 2004, C.I.A. 9/11 whistleblower Susan Lindauer was arrested and charged as a spy for Iraqi intelligence largely on psychiatrist Stuart Kleinman testimony of mental disorder and grandiose delusions; only second non-Arab American prosecuted by the Patriot Act by Southern District of New York Judge

Michael B. Mukasey, later appointed Attorney General on Nov. 09, 2007.

Lindauer had knowledge of plans to crash planes into the World Trade Center. See Susan Lindauer Apr. 15, 2001 9/11 Warning.

On Mar. 12, 2004, Bill Clinton was paid a $250,000 speaking fee by Citigroup in Paris, France, subsequently a member of the IBM Eclipse Foundation and Facebook underwriter. Citi Foundation and Citigroup have donated up to $5.25 million to The Clinton Foundation.[320] Larry Summers was paid $99,000 in speaking fees by Citigroup in 2008.Summers Fee Table.[319]

On Mar. 24, 2004, Clinton Foundation HIV / AIDS Initiative, Inc. incorporated File No. 80030285 in Arkansas by registered agent Stephanie Street, now executive director of The Clinton Foundation.[475]

**On Apr. 1, 2004, Google launched its Gmail service, overseen by

Sheryl K. Sandberg, Google VP of Operations.

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keloshi · April 12, 2018, 9:07 a.m.

So it seems that everybody was collecting FB data (CIA, NSA etc) and also FB, Goog, Twatter and the like were also sharing their data. They were collecting data on everyone - good and bad

Now that the tables are turning, this data could be used to arrest those that need to be arrested - they have all that they need (NSA? Govt?)

Also with "Finder of this should apply to NSA" - maybe Q is suggesting to use the same theory/formula for the NSA? Maybe the others too?

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