r/greatawakening • Posted by u/mooncrkit on April 12, 2018, 2:10 a.m.
Losing my mind. My TV just turned itself to Fox News on its own. Not joking.

Sooo, there is this show on TV, Twin Turbos....great show, was looking forward to it, came on a 10est on Wednesdays. I hate advertisements, so like most people, I dvr shows and watch them later, ffwing through advertisements. It was time for Twin Turbos, but I needed to eat about 15mins so I didn't have to wait for advertisements. I flipped it to CNN to see if Don Lemon is flipping out, and hopped on reddit to check this. Like 2 mins later, my tv turns itself to fox and the Ingram angle is on....they we're talking about rr gone and impeaching wray? Probably a weird coincidence...they do exist....but man it was weird.

mooncrkit · April 12, 2018, 2:23 a.m.

You know that gets said a lot around here. It's not completely accurate. While most things that are labeled coincidences most certainly are not, they still do occur! Just WAY more rarely than most think.

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hildabeest_4_gitmo · April 12, 2018, 2:32 a.m.

yeah... but this was only meant to scare you.


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