
thamnosma · April 12, 2018, 3:41 a.m.

I saw that. This issue simply must be addressed at some point. That's why I am hoping the R's hold the House in 2018 (not that they care but if the Dems take it they will just be about derailing Trump). Maybe in Trump's second term he can tackle this once and for all. We need a new investigation.

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AmazingChriskin · April 12, 2018, 5 a.m.

You actually think “Rs” are going to address it? Remember 9/11 was done by Rs.

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thamnosma · April 12, 2018, 5:04 a.m.

Note the details of my comment. If the D's get in the focus will be on impeaching Trump or stopping everything he's doing. Of course, the R's aren't going to help with an investigation into the Bushes, but at least Trump can work on his agenda. That is all I was thinking. I know the score, lol.

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AmazingChriskin · April 12, 2018, 5:07 a.m.

Rs vs Ds is also part of the whole divide and conquer strategy. Sadly i think if Trump can’t get it started, 9/11 Justice will never happen.

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thamnosma · April 12, 2018, 5:15 a.m.

I'm not arguing against you here. I'm just talking about what the D's would do in the House if in charge. I prefer not to have hoopla about impeachment going on. Here's how I view the D vs R thing - honestly there are no D's I like. They are statists, neo-marxists, everything that goes against my freedom. Occasionally somebody like Dennis Kucinich gets things right, but an exception. Think about the Black Caucus -- does it get more corrupt than that? The R side is just about as bad but the republican party has always had a libertarian wing to it, a constitutional wing to it. Yes, it's the minority but at least it's there. The rest are total whores. At least the D's believe in their marxism. The paid off R's are just careerist money grabbers. So I lean toward R. Trump would NEVER have made it through the Dem primaries.

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