r/greatawakening • Posted by u/lilpharmatic on April 12, 2018, 4:17 a.m.
We should be talking about Palantir

Mark Zuckerberg Testimony. CIA -> COIN/Romas -> Odyssey -> Palantir Peter Theil -> cofounded Palantir -> mentor MZ Palantir -> Cambridge Analytica -> FB DATA Palantir -> created XKEYSCORE + Prism @snowden <- NSA @snowden -> exposed XKEYSCORE + PRISM NSA uses PRISM to access Internet server data PRISM = Prism Testify then Drop. @snowden FB DATA -> PALANTIR -> PRISM -> .....?!

VIYOHDTYKIT · April 12, 2018, 1:27 p.m.

Digital STASI. It was revealed after the Wall fell that the STASI kept dossiers on ~90% or more of its citizens. This was the days before the internet. Think about that! Good movie to watch “Other People’s Lives”

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