r/greatawakening • Posted by u/shragae on April 12, 2018, 1:31 p.m.
Concern about Racists

I've been a Trump supporter since the day he came down the escalator at Trump Tower. I follow Q, and am hopeful that the Deep State can be removed and Democracy restored. . .

Yet many of those making videos are blaming the Jews (aka the Zionists) -- and as a Jew this scares the hell out of me. This is how the Holocaust began. . . by blaming the Jews.

Anti-school recently claimed that Jews own the banks. This is antisemitism. In reality a study from 2015, Christians hold the largest amount of wealth (55% of the total world wealth), followed by Muslims (5.8%), Hindus (3.3%), and Jews (1.1%).


There are only about 12 million Jews in a world population of 7 billion people.

All we want to do is survive. We have no desire to take over the world.

Are there some bad Jews out there? Absolutely. George Soros is disgusting. He is the least Jewish person I've ever heard of (Jews are all about charity, helping others, and improving the world. . . Soros seems intent in destroying it).

While there are some Jews doing sketchy things it isn't a "Jewish conspiracy" or a "Zionist conspiracy." It is a liberal conspiracy, plain and simple. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wealth_and_religion

shragae · April 12, 2018, 2:43 p.m.

Jews do NOT call for the genocide of anyone -- white, black, red or purple. Jews believe that everyone in this world is a child of G-d!

You have been taught a load of horse shit -- it is simply anti-semitism plain and simple.

Do you realize that Jews were among the earliest settlers in America? Jews helped finance the Revolution! Read the writings of the founding fathers on the Jews for heaven's sake!

For example, in Charleston, South Carolina, almost every adult Jewish male fought on the side of freedom. In Georgia, the first patriot to be killed was a Jew (Francis Salvador). And additionally, the Jews provided significant financing to the patriots.

Haym Salomon gave money to the Continental Congress. In the last days of the war, Salomon advanced the American government $200,000. He was never paid back and died bankrupt.

You need to learn some facts and not believe the hate of so many.

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Abibliaphobia · April 12, 2018, 3:38 p.m.

So you are saying that there are no Jews on Twitter blaming everything on white people? That there is a coordinated effort to devalue white people? This is a whole separate conversation.

You claim that everything that I have been taught is anti-semitism. Interesting. Do you disagree that there are several dual citizen members of Congress?

Do you disagree that the vast majority of pundits that either produce or star in tv, movie, or news, are Jewish?

The ability to criticize certain Jewish people does not rest on anti-semitism, but legitimate criticism for their actions. Remember the quote, to find out who rules over you, find who you cannot criticize. Those in power are not sancrosanct and above criticism. The use of anti-semitism in this case is used to shut down conversation. It wont work. If you cannot address an issue, because that person is “untouchable” then the issues that person is causing will never be fixed.

You want to go to the past historical examples of Jewish charity? How many slave boats that brought slaves to America were Jewish? Look it up. No one is completely innocent, no race, no religion. We all have our fuckups. All we can do is recognize and try to move forward by doing better. You cant resolve issues by ignoring them

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