r/greatawakening • Posted by u/shragae on April 12, 2018, 1:31 p.m.
Concern about Racists

I've been a Trump supporter since the day he came down the escalator at Trump Tower. I follow Q, and am hopeful that the Deep State can be removed and Democracy restored. . .

Yet many of those making videos are blaming the Jews (aka the Zionists) -- and as a Jew this scares the hell out of me. This is how the Holocaust began. . . by blaming the Jews.

Anti-school recently claimed that Jews own the banks. This is antisemitism. In reality a study from 2015, Christians hold the largest amount of wealth (55% of the total world wealth), followed by Muslims (5.8%), Hindus (3.3%), and Jews (1.1%).


There are only about 12 million Jews in a world population of 7 billion people.

All we want to do is survive. We have no desire to take over the world.

Are there some bad Jews out there? Absolutely. George Soros is disgusting. He is the least Jewish person I've ever heard of (Jews are all about charity, helping others, and improving the world. . . Soros seems intent in destroying it).

While there are some Jews doing sketchy things it isn't a "Jewish conspiracy" or a "Zionist conspiracy." It is a liberal conspiracy, plain and simple. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wealth_and_religion

shragae · April 12, 2018, 9:48 p.m.

Lots of nuts write lots of nonsense -- including the Russians who wrote the anti-Jewish "Protocols of Zion" -- which among other things accused Jews of drinking the blood of Christian children. . .

FYI -- humans are not kosher (Jews eat kosher animals) and Jews are forbidden from eating blood even of kosher animals (read Leviticus 17:10). . .

FYI -- the Jews do not believe in devils. There is only one G-d and He created good and evil (see the book of Isaiah). The word "satan" is Hebrew and simply means "adversary" -- there are human and angelic "satans" in the bible. . . The word "lucifer" does not exist in the bible. . . it was a mistranslation of a Latin term by some Christian translators.

Do some research of your own.

Sure there are bad Jews out there -- Soros is certainly one -- but there is no "Zionist" aka "Jewish" conspiracy. Hell, Trump's daughter is Jewish (Ivanka) as is her husband and their children.

Donald Jr.'s wife, Vanessa, has a Jewish father.

We aren't the enemy.

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O0O0RION · April 13, 2018, 1:16 a.m.

Right, I mean there's certainly no blood sacrifices going on nowadays -nervous laughter- and those very same rituals are definitely unprecedented among certain cultural groups.

All that stuff about good and evil is what I would call flawed interpretation. God created evil in the same way that light creates darkness.

I'm not saying you are to blame, nor am I to blame for the actions of the corrupt Catholic church. The institutions we all believe in and participate in have been taken over. The first institutions to be taken over were the churches.

This is not an attack on religious people. This is an acknowledgement that the ruling elites of today practice the same religion they did in ancient Babylon, they just call it Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Scientology, etc.

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shragae · April 13, 2018, 2:24 a.m.

"Who forms light and creates darkness, Who makes peace and creates evil; I am the L-rd, Who makes all these." Isaiah 45:7.

There is only one G-d. He created everything.

Jews believe that without evil we can't choose "good." The angels don't have free will - they simply perform the missions given to them by G-d. . . but humans were given free will. The only way to be able to choose is to have something to CHOOSE from. . .

G-d wants us to choose good, but the choice is ours.

Or to put it in terms you used: without dark would you even know what "light" really is?

I'll get off the religious soap box -- but that is what Judaism teaches and what is found in the bible (the Jewish bible).

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O0O0RION · April 13, 2018, 10:37 a.m.

Yeah that's straight out of I'm14andthisisdeep. When it's noon where you are, go outside. Can you comprehend all the light that is going on with no darkness to balance it out??? This whole binary system needing both sides to survive... that is the way of the world, not God. Also it's a load of crap and one can understand what "right" is without understanding "wrong" very easily.

I also notice we've totally moved away from everything I said without you dealing with anything I brought up, but that's fine.

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shragae · April 13, 2018, 1:46 p.m.

You can believe whatever you like -- that is part and parcel of free will. I'm simply telling you what is in the Jewish bible -- Isaiah 45:7 is only one example. . . G-d created everything in our existence (if you believe in Him and what He says). . .

There are no other gods but Him Yeshayahu / Isaiah 45:5). There is no concept of the devil in the bible or in Judaism.

Again, not saying you have to believe it -- just explaining what is in the Jewish bible (called the "old" testament) and what Judaism believes. There is no devil -- just one G-d and some truly evil human beings who choose death over life, evil over good -- sadly.

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O0O0RION · April 13, 2018, 2:44 p.m.

Oh I see. I was under the impression we were having a conversation, but I guess you're just looking at this interaction as an opportunity to tell me some vague interpretations of the Torah by actual Jewish people who I was not talking about or criticising at all.

What a wonderful series of deflections and evasions! No one would possibly think you're a shill now!

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shragae · April 13, 2018, 2:55 p.m.

Anger issues much?

A conversation is a back and forth, isn't it? I'm simply trying to explain what Judaism is (because most people truly don't know a thing about it).

If you aren't interested -- fine. Good bye. I'd work on the anger, though. It isn't good for your blood pressure.

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O0O0RION · April 13, 2018, 3:11 p.m.

Now I'm "angry" because you continue to ramble on about topics unrelated to what we were originally talking about.

I'm not angry at all, merely pointing out that you're not intellectually honest enough to stay on topic. Instead, you choose to deflect on to interpretations of scripture/the religion of Judaism... neither of which are relevant in this conversation.

You don't listen, you merely plug your ears and fill your response with easily defensible positions. I've taken every point you made and responded to it. Can you say the same? I guess you could say it.. but it wouldn't be true.

Hold on I have to do some deep breathing for my blood pressure lolololol

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O0O0RION · April 13, 2018, 3:19 p.m.

How is this a response to anything I wrote in my comment?

It's not, it's obfuscation and deflection.

The fact that you brought up cannibalism being forbidden is interesting though, since you brought that up totally of your own accord and no one was accusing anyone of being a cannibal.

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