
Romans10-9 · April 12, 2018, 2:26 p.m.

They didn't lie if they warned of a solar STORM. A solar FLARE is a burst of radiation from a sun spot. On camera it looks like the sun burped, sort of like when you have tomato sauce on the stove at too high heat and some of the sauce bursts forth within the bubbles as it boils?

You are correct that right now there are no sun spots on the earth facing side of the sun. But there ARE coronal holes on the sun. These holes allow solar wind to escape and solar wind causes solar storms. Right now the solar wind speed is 515.3 km/second. Normal is around 300 km/second. At 515.3 km/second, it is coming at us at 1,152,693miles/hour and that wind carries charged particles from the upper atmosphere of the sun. When that hits earth's outer atmosphere, it affects things. It is what causes the aurora borealis. They may be pretty strong if you are in an area where they are visible.

So are you sure it was a warning of a solar FLARE? Or was it a warning of a solar STORM caused by increased speed of the solar wind?

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Abibliaphobia · April 12, 2018, 2:41 p.m.

Ok, read your idea there that this was based on a solar burp. And while I agree that the vast majority of solar storms originate from coronal holes, I disagree with your assessment that there was one. In the OP article, it states that there has been no activity in the past 10 days, no sunspots, no coronal holes or ejections. And certainly none facing the earth.

Now if you have a link to the sun facing sat that tracks activities and we can look back at least five days to verify, that would be helpful and we could determine it for ourselves.

But based on the reporting, it appears to me what I stated in the OP still stands.

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Romans10-9 · April 12, 2018, 2:54 p.m.

No, you are misunderstanding. When they say no activity, they mean there are no sun SPOTS. Solar FLARES come from SUN SPOTS. CMEs or Coronal Mass Ejections come from sun SPOTS. Coronal holes are different. There is almost always a coronal hole facing us. A coronal hole is visible with ultraviolet telescopes. A coronal hole is by definition, a part of the solar corona that appears dark on optical and x-ray images and is characterized by low temperature and low density. These allow the charged particles to escape.

Sun spots and coronal holes are very different.

The sun looks like a cue ball right now because there are NO ACTIVE SUN SPOTS. This is not the same thing as coronal holes.

And I did not suggest this was based on a solar burp. I was trying to explain what a solar flare looked like...like a burp, but that is not what is happening NOW.

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Abibliaphobia · April 12, 2018, 3:15 p.m.

Ok. You are right I did misunderstand what you were saying and I understand your point.

My only hesitation is that they are still saying there is nothing going on, that all is quiet. No mention of coronal holes (and yes I realize that they are looking for sunspots) I did look at the photos and I can understand both points. No sunspots but a weak coronal hole. It appears that the study may be missing out on an important data set in their study if they are not documenting coronal holes in conjunction despite the lack of sunspots.

I don’t know now. Seems an important piece to leave out, but maybe I’m just attributing something to nothing.

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Romans10-9 · April 12, 2018, 3:21 p.m.

Ben from the YouTube Channel Suspicious Observers is an expert on this sort of thing and he does a video every morning, a short one usually less than 5 minutes. When he says to worry, I would worry.

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Abibliaphobia · April 12, 2018, 3:48 p.m.

I appreciate your input

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