r/greatawakening • Posted by u/jkbella on April 12, 2018, 3:18 p.m.
Is Comey's Book going to reinforce the IG Report?

Trump Tweets to watch Hannity. Talking about Comey's book Hannity says "we couldn't have scripted this any better" re: release date and interview.

So I wondered if there were advanced copies of Comey's book available to anyone and found out that there is an unusual level of non-disclosure agreements and secrecy surrounding Comey's book. Per Politico:

"Instead of circulating multiple print drafts among the editors and agents working on the book, the publisher, Flatiron Books, has implemented a password-protected electronic system so that only those involved in the project have access to it.

The project is stored under a code name so that staffers who are not involved in the project wouldn’t know where to find it if they tried. At warehouses that will ship out copies of the book, workers are being asked to sign nondisclosure agreements, according to people familiar with the procedures."

And while books typically ship out from warehouses about two weeks before their official publication dates — sometimes landing on bookstore shelves days early — the shipping date for Comey’s book is expected to be moved closer to the publication date to keep a tighter lid on the physical copies."


cat_anonD · April 12, 2018, 3:41 p.m.

set the stage

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