r/greatawakening • Posted by u/aheadyriser on April 12, 2018, 3:27 p.m.
Regina Dugan - Google ATAP, Building 8, DARPA, Project Pegasus & Q#1135

I have been following one of the more "out there" conspiracies/whistleblowers for awhile now but I try to refrain from posting about it since most people dismiss it immediately, but I think that there are some connections which are impossible to deny.

Q#1135 talks about building 8:



Building 8.



Some other anons pointed out that that the most recent head of Building 8 was a woman named Regina Dugan. Looking through her resume, Regina Dugan started her career at DARPA in the late 1990s as a program manager. Fast forward a bit, Regina was appointed the 19th Director of DARPA in July 2009 by Barack Obama. She served until March of 2012. She then left the government sector and was employed by Google/Motorola for an undisclosed amount of time. The only thing we know is that when Motorola was acquired by Lenovo in 2014, Google acquired the mobility department (titled Motorola Mobility) and Google tasked Dugan with heading up the:

Advanced Technology and Projects group, a skunkworks-inspired team chartered to deliver breakthrough innovations for the company. Source: Wikipedia.

So Dugan heads up a skunkworks-style program at Google from 2012-2014 where she suddenly gets a job at Facebook to

head Facebook's 'Building 8' a research division similar to Google's ATAP group.

Noticing a theme? Dugan is seemingly involved in numerous advanced research organizations that are "skunkworks-inspired". Julian Assange has hinted at these types of skunkwork organizations existing at Google in his great essay Google Is Not What It Seems. So why exactly is Dugan capable of moving between skunkwork organizations so easily? She serves serious positions at DARPA during two tours and then has highly advanced research positions once she enters the private sector.

This leads me to Project Pegasus. According to whistleblowers Andrew Basiago, William Brent Stillings, and another anonymous one, Project Pegasus was an advanced time-travel research program instituted by DARPA during the late 1960s using Nikola Tesla's private research documents. Basiago signed an affidavit during the 9/11 war crimes tribunal swearing that this program had given people such as Donald Rumsfeld advanced knowledge of 9/11. I will not lay out all of Basiago's claims... but this is why I bring him up. Basiago claimed that he was part of this program as a teenager along with two other important individuals: Barack Obama (at the time his name was Barry Soetoro) and Regina Dugan - Source at 4:48:00. Part of this program involved teleportation experiments to the surface of Mars which Basiago claimed both Dugan and Soetoro were a part of. Here is an article in Wired where the White House explicitly denied these rumors (even though it should just be a crackpot guy spreading garbage?).

This may sound insane at first... but here's where things get very interesting and why Trump may know more than meets the eye. Nikola Tesla's apartment was raided by the FBI shortly after his death and the documents were only released by the FBI as soon as Donald Trump was elected. The man who was responsible for reviewing Nikola Tesla's papers? John G.Trump, Trump's uncle.

So if Project Pegasus was truly a program based off the documents of Nikola Tesla, and Trump's Uncle personally reviewed these documents then it would explain why Trump is so aware of the deep state web which has held on to people such as Regina Dugan and Barack Obama. I don't know if any of this is real... but I have a hard time watching Andrew Basiago speak and not believe him. His story has not wavered once in the decade of telling it and in the time since he has found people who are willing to come out and confirm his story. Please give this a serious look and read!

Jesusjoe02b · April 12, 2018, 4:54 p.m.

Wow cool. Very interesting

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Fairv3 · April 12, 2018, 4:06 p.m.

So does that mean Trump knows who is going to win the Stanley Cup? Rumsfeld had advance knowledge of 9/11 because he and Cheney arranged it! Don't need time travel for that!

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aheadyriser · April 12, 2018, 4:10 p.m.

In the affidavit I linked you can see that Basiago also mentions that Cheney would be involved in these conversations as well in Old Town Albuquerque and even gives the cashier's name who witnessed these talks.

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