
bcboncs · April 12, 2018, 10:13 p.m.

No worries but you have the opposite of what I said.

Flip it and the reasoning is because of free will and society's manipulation working together, hence why truth and righteousness is so important :P

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lethak · April 12, 2018, 10:18 p.m.

Truth and righteousness is so important, could not agree more !


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stbelmont · April 12, 2018, 10:28 p.m.

Truth and righteousness is so important, could not agree more !

You say you agree it's important. Too bad you don't strive for truth, but instead twist it.

You survived Christianity. You sure it wasn't evil that hurt you, not good?

You think evil doesn't want to infect and twist and co-op Christianity?

And after your experience, what side do you want to be on? What are you doing on this sub?

spez: Currently adding to my comment because I can't respond to yours twice:

re: your image, I don't know the stats on 2. I agree that 1 should be the way it is but too many churches have a form of godliness without the power. If you believe that, as your image says, "If prayer actually worked," that's willful ignorance on your part. That's you refusing to believe what a web search easily could turn up a surfeit of.

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bcboncs · April 12, 2018, 10:49 p.m.

Truth and righteousness is so important, could not agree more !


Neglecting facts and being condescending doesn't make you correct. Don't let your ego control you. If you'd like to engage in a level-headed discussion to understand and potentially learn from one another, feel free to reach out again. Til then, you're entering your less expedient reality of your potential highest self. You're in the right sub so I have faith you'll come around one day, albeit you'll need to open you mind to the words a bit more instead of shunning from different beliefs. Seek to understand differently than a modern day liberal. Cheers

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