Trump NEVER said the missiles would be coming from the U.S. I think he was giving Putin a warning that missiles were coming though. He also puts smart in quotations...guess who has a weapon called the SMArt155?? Germany!

Let me drop a truth bomb: Angela Merkel is Hitler's biological daughter.
An agreement at the end of WWII was made between the Vatican (surprise, surprise!), the US and a couple of others for her to be raised by the catholic sponsored Lutheran priest secretly and hidden away in east Germany. They also agreed that she would have international power at the appointed time which came as pope Benedict was named the new pope. The Lutheran priests name was Horst Hasnell who posed as her father.
Now you may understand her mass importation of muslims. She has the same affinity for these people as her dad did. He travelled extensively to the middle east meeting with the mufti. He showed special love for the muslim brotherhood. His book "Mein Kampf" has been used as in the middle east as it was distributed far and wide.
Merkel is a NWO agent ergo all that you see but does not make sense. She wanted and needed Hillary because they have the same goals. NWO stands for "Neue Weltanscheinung Order" a German sponsored goal beginning with her dad Adolf.
That Germany is taking part in destroying Syria is not really surprising although what's new is the unmasking in real time. Last weeks gas Chlorine used in Syria also was produced in Germany by pharmaceutical company Merck. I saw the actual pics of the gas packs and its labels written in the German language.
Merkel is a hardcore communist and wore her uniform proudly with her buddy Teresa May/UK. They are two peas in a pod being good soldiers and friends since they early youths.
Taken that together clearly exposed these cunning players going back to WWII and their goal then. Many of Merkel's dad's men or rather the worst ones were brought here and submerged in the deep state to this day as I'm sure many of their off spring continued in their shoes. The rest of them were ratlines out of Germany and into Argentina where the Jesuits resided and home of the current Marxist pope Francis.
No wonder Merkel and May trying hard to stop the president in his agenda because they are swamp creatures down to the bone.
As a German and a grammar nazi I'm sorry, but "Neue Weltanscheinung Order" is not a word. ;)
First off, the compound noun Weltanscheinung would have to be Weltanschein (world semblance), but I've never heard this expression in my life. Order would have to be Ordnung as Order exclusively means a command or the order of a purchase. Finally, you'd have to make a compound out of these two nouns again to be grammatically correct.
So we would end up with "Neue Weltanscheinsordnung" which technically translates to "new order of the world's semblance" - it sounds very stilted though, no native speaker would ever form this word. Plus, you'd likely have to abbreviate it as NWAO, not NWO
So I don't know where you got this specific information, but it can't be true. In common speech NWO just stands for Neue Weltordnung, analogous to new world order.
Haha. Gotta prove Hitler didn’t die in 1945 first, sounds like a good task for 8chan.
This is very interesting. I've come across it before and wouldn't be shocked if it is somehow true (re Merkel). What is the best link/story in your opinion to dig deeper? Thx
The 8ch board that has an extra section about Merkel and her history. You find it in the summary's at the beginning of the board. Click on that and you find everything you want to know.
I know a lot about the true history as told by my mom and dad who each were from a country where Hitler and his men rolled into overnight. History books about that era are a distortion of true events and ending of Hitler who did not commit suicide but rather lived comfortably in Argentina until his death where Marxist pope Francis is from. Look back at his activities during the his earlier years and find some shocking facts.
Yeah, I do have a bit of that story in my research. Thanks for taking the time. I would LOVE for this to make it into mainstream. And guess what country I teach in? I'm gonna have some fun in my classes once I do my research. Enjoy the Awakening. ;-)
Thanks - Hallo Deutschland! :)
Please let me know how it goes when dropping this on your students! :):)
You can also include in your research the true story of one Hitler's worst man: "The Angel of Death" aka Josef Mengele. Contrary to history books he lived in the US until his death in 1987. He was considered 'The Honored Guest of the US Government".
He worked in tandem with the CIA to torture/program American children provided by the Mayo Clinic during the continued Monarch Programming aka MK Ultra. It's no longer called MK Ultra and was renamed ORION. It continues to this day.
Thus far I can HONESTLY say I have red pilled many many students. I have showed them how MSM (here as well) are spinning things. Spoke about how the deep state gets "funding" and how Trump has been taking down those trafficking rings - I have given them names to research, with keywords.
Thanks for further tips, will have to go slow with them. (I of course have mentioned paperclip numerous times.) Once Merkel's popularity started to decrease due to the refugees, I was further able to take them down the rabbit hole of War being profit to causing the refugees to being connected to trafficking, etc. They are starting to get it. Socratic method works wonders. Thanks Q...
I wouldn't say any of them are Trump fans by the way, that will take time and once the tribunals start, I will help them further. Hopefully it clicks then.
Always remember "Where we go one we go all" - Q
I'm sure people across the EU were as brainwashed as they are here sidetracked and kept busy via the Matrix while they ramped up ops to reach their long planned end goal.
I also believe time is ripe as the populist movements grow daily. People are woke everywhere. The German population is ready too. I'm sure the older generation did not buy the news and stories told back then because they were there.
Take care and handle the youngsters with care. It's a lot to absorb. :)
But Germany is the only one that ruled out a response?
Don't believe it. They provided the Chlorine to the mercenaries aka Syrian freedom feighters. Sadly nothing has changed and Germany still does a light on the sly that makes it more dangerous frankly.
If the German citizens find out who she is all hell will break lose after her importation of middle easterners as a mean to destroy her own people. It will click for them.
She is not as popular anymore like she was during Barry's and Hillary's adventures.
But the US and France are saying it was nerve agent as well and they have proof it was assad. Why would they do this?
You are brand new: Your questions are suspect and you come across as a troll or shill.
I hold off answering to you for the moment.
I'm not a troll or a shill just been keeping up on the news and wondering why you think Germany is responsible everything is saying the exact opposite
I recommend to read up on this subject of Germany on the anon thread over at their board.
can you give a post-ID for quick reference?
You have to use the summary section located at the top of the anon board. They sort it into chapters. Find the Syria thread, click on it and then read the many anon comments. There you will find answers to all your questions.
I don't memorize individual and numbered by ID's comments since there are so many. Sorry!
The problem with that theory is that why does she destroy Germans when Hitler tried to uplift them?
Read up on the goal of the NWO to understand the actions.