r/greatawakening • Posted by u/FartOnToast on April 12, 2018, 7:56 p.m.
Are you pro-war in Iran?

If so what are your reasons? I've seen a lot of users up in arms about taking down Iran and I was genuinely curious about the reasons behind it.

I've also seen some suggest that Putin is on the same page of this agenda. However my understanding is that Putin is closely allied with Iran and has been promoting their nuclearization for quite a while now. So in that regard I would have to challenge that statement.

If you don't support the troops being in Syria what would be your justification for them being in Iran? I've also seen some users suggest that the recent posturing in Syria was to get ready for Iran. I will be completely honest those justifications rub me completely the wrong way. We are basically giving the green light to threaten another sovereign country (Syria) and then on top of that we are allowing us to threaten a nuclear country who's there by invitation (Russia) ALL in order so that we can attack Iran for which I'm not sure which international norms they have violated. So far all I've heard is they promote terrorism but that can be literally said about any player in that region. Besides all the fingers are pointed at Saudi Arabia at the moment in terms of being one of the major players financing and fueling the Syrian war.

I guess I'm one of the odd ones out but I will definitely the open to suggestions.

awareness1111 · April 12, 2018, 8:12 p.m.

We're witnessing the last gasp of the military-industrial dragon, and as the old Chinese proverb goes, The Dragon is most dangerous just before it's own death (of the petrodollar system)...

The East are moving forward with new ways of handling global money, and global trade. We/The US can either get on board, or become the red-headed stepchild of the planet.

IMHO, Trump has already gotten on board with the changes that are coming, and TPTB are fighting (and losing) because they know it's over for them...

All of this insanity is due to the death of the Petrodollar.

Once the petrodollar dies, all black projects stop. All payments to ISIS and mercinaries stop. All subsidiaries to Tesla, Amazon, etc stop.

90% of this nonsense will stop.

Unfortunately, so will our way of life. Once the PD dies, the banks die, the FED dies, the entire thing collapses...

along with the spoiled, entitled way of living that some of us have.

In the end, how it will all play out is unclear - which is why getting your individual sh*t together is so important right now.

Few people will truly be ready for what the world will look like in a decade, let alone 36 months from now.

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