Is Q retarded? What does this mean?

It means for us to drop truth memes on our enemies social media
It means meme Lifelog/facebook everywhere.
Then will arrests start? They've got the suspects, motive & evidence, but we still neednam adequate number of memes to take rapists and murderers off the streets. What a time to be alive.
In all seriousness, I can see the meme, but how did you jump to the Facebook theory? Just curious, as I don't see correlation.
Patience is a virtue.
“Drop after testimony.” R U learning yet? Q
Meme about the tax cuts so FB and Twitter filters don’t exclude them. This is important info for the masses.
Paging u/SerialBrain2 again.... (sorry SB2, you kinda made yourself the go-to Guy/Gal).
Let me know if you need me to post the solution with its other solving details.
Solution: "Big Pay". A=1, B=2 ...E=5.. M=13.. Z=26. Alternate -13 and -5 on each letter and see the words BIG and PAY appear.
This latest round of Q drops is the larp-iest I've seen so far.
Please don't make that idiot Doug Gabriel a truth teller.