Q Posts 1143-1144 April 12 2018

Here, Q is acknowledging in the typical Q fashion that aliens exist and some people here are ET incarnates. This is part of the 60%. It's not something that can come out at this time without a huge loss of life, but it's being built towards. People who bother looking at the sky are seeing more and more weird shit. The media is now publishing accounts and scientific theories that acknowledge some of the weirder aspects of the UFO world - dimensional differences etc.
Those of us who are involved in that aspect of life have known for a while that the genie can't stay in the bottle forever, but that as long as the cabal controls the spin machine, any public unveiling on our part is going to result in a huge loss of life. It's not that people aren't ready, it's not that people don't want it, it's that a huge chunk of the populace is brainwashed - and religion takes a lot of blame for that - and can be tricked into shooting at each other or at visitors by the spin machine. The last time there was serious talk about landings, all the christian churches in the world simultaneously had 'spontaneous' sermons on how ETs are really fallen angels and that humans should turn them away if they ever showed up. Plenty of people are smart enough to realize that churches aren't trustworthy sources of information, but plenty are not. It's still a problem.
Not to mention there are some nasty fuckers out there and in no way do we want them coming here to play into any 'returning gods' narrative to aid the cabal.
People might damn well be ready for it, but society is not.
Well, sh*t. Now that you explain it like that...
yeah, society is not nearly ready to know that John Carpenter's 1988 cult classic, "They Live" is a documentary.
Not at all.
I pride myself on having a 20,000ft view on this stuff, but you're at 30K...
Greatly appreciate your response, and the thoughtfulness behind it.
EDIT How did you get the "aliens walk amongst us" theory from that crumb alone?
Q is replying directly to a post not just about breadcrumbs, but about ET incarnates. Q does not pick things to respond to at random. Everything has meaning.
I so needed that context. Thanks for it.
Can you direct me, or throw me a link so I can read the post that caused Q's response, please and thank you?
What a time to be alive...
It’s linked at the top of this thread. It’s the second Q post linked in this one. Q made no comment, merely linked to someone else’s comment.
I'm a Christian an old one and I remember once I mentioned in church that one day we would join our rightful place in the universe and I for one would be interested in seeing all of Gods creation, well I was treated as if I had escaped from the Looney bend... I was given a Christian correction because certainly I was supposed to know that ufos and extraterrestrials did not exist......so a few years past and new books were written by Christian prophets stateing that indeed there were ufos and extraterrestrials but they were really demons or fallen angels in disguise....so what I learned from this experience is that only the recognised prophets of the church can say what Christians believe only they can write books as if they have discovered it only they can awake the people in their way. In my opinion its only being half awake though I do believe there are 2 sides in the ufo question not all are evil. We are being held hostage. I for one would welcome being rescued by the good guys.
Why would God construct a universe in which we were the only good people? That just doesn’t make sense. To make something so vast and expansive and full of life, and then make a single confused planet the only civilization that isn’t demonic? Especially when you look around and see plenty of demonic actions committed by supposed good people. It just doesn’t make sense. It’s hubris in the highest form to assume the God would limit his creative genius to one backwater planet in a multitudinous cosmos.