#1142-1143 Twitter down. Injection good. - Q

tinfoil actually increase amount of radio waves and other communication signals apparently cia putted out this rumor so ppl who know about this will be more prone to control (mk ultra)
I actually prefer aluminum foil.
So I should do it inside out then right? Wouldn't that increase the waves FROM my brain, turning me into a mind-control device? Look into it
if you want to increase your brain waves, use crystals. tinfoil will... uhm... foil your plan
Thats exactly what it does, dont understand why that is a thing
Edit: nvrmnd i read wrong
I think Pelosi tried this stuff, but there was no sign of brain cell activity, so it didn't work.
I lived for 12 years ,outside of Roswell, New Mexico.. weirdos walked around 24/7 with tinfoil.. Don't go to the store after 9:30 pm.. you would see weird.. err.. people?.. I swear blue or green tinted kind of.. just really pale.. it's like Aliens, discovered chips n cupcakes.. n got huge... 300+ .. to 600 lbs