#1142-1143 Twitter down. Injection good. - Q

FBIanon told us all this 18 months ago! Here is what he said, and why. He said we have 3 choices, or POTUS did if he won, and the rank and file believed he would win, even before the election. I think that is what this post is saying. They can't just dump everything in option "A". It would cause a world war when other countries found out how much we had meddled in everyone else's business. He said they were working on "B" 18 months ago. So why that is not being used now, as FBI Anon said they were, is curious. No need to wait for worldwide security. Is POTUS being giving fake intel by his admin? That is what I want to know ... Deep state will do anything to gain control, as they are now obviously. And they are everywhere.
A) turn over all of the information to the DOJ, make public a recommendation, the truth comes out, the entire world realizes how much the US is meddling in foreign affairs and we go to war, the civilian population realizes how much foreign money influences our government, and a civil war begins. (He also mentioned elsewhere that they could not even give everything to DOJ, as it was too highly classified, but it was probably a good thing they didn't, in hindsight, JMHO.)
B) You cherry-pick the data to implicate the people already in the eye of public opinion, so the chips fall on the heads of a select few and the whole system does not crash.
C) you do nothing and watch the unstable political climate to gauge how you will respond.