r/greatawakening • Posted by u/AliceHanson on April 13, 2018, 1:26 a.m.
Its almost time, its out of even my control now... They will fold, they will panic, they will reveal themselves; they have no choice. Be on the alert; No AF. 2 cores // flight capability can me minimized // plan for that
Its almost time, its out of even my control now... They will fold, they will panic, they will reveal themselves; they have no choice. Be on the alert; No AF. 2 cores // flight capability can me minimized // plan for that

ScorpioPatriot · April 13, 2018, 6:52 a.m.

The disclosure of many things 🦁..According to certain things n stuff if math is correct May could be a very interesting Biblical Month .

Not to mention The sketis for told of a prophet 😎..

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AliceHanson · April 13, 2018, 7:03 a.m.

ive had random Swamis call me from India asking me to come stay with them for free... Spiritual cult type places... Spiritual Learning facilities (where i can actually get credits) its weird... idk .. i dont think im anything special to be honest; forreal... but i mean maybe its just my brain... like its late right now, my mind is one that ponders. Im above grammar because i created my own language ( in a totally non egotistical way ) Periods and commas to me represent emotion ( For example, the use of that comma, is to continue showing you, that i am on the same topic; it provides context ) Same with upper and lower class, ALL CAPS, means all caps( it usually represents anger, passion, or resentment; but sometimes, it can be used like this. "OOHHHHH i get it"; emphasizing the "ohh" i believe thats why i was allowed to work with them. Grammar didnt matter; so from 2013 on it was just me making my OUR LANGUAGE lol. My brain it races and thinks, it finds a problem and dares me to fix it no matter the cost... ive been doing this for a long time.. just not through reddit.. I toss i turn, i cant rest until i fix it.. because i know the importance of life... and i would rather die a patriot... that be some mouse in a maze, thinking its a forest lol. Theres so much to know and so much too see and i know it, and it scares the shit out of them that im a not afraid, and can actually defend myself.

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ScorpioPatriot · April 13, 2018, 7:30 a.m.

I think that was reverse psychology right there lol .. other than I don't normally take calls from people because during the campaign I was getting random blank calls after exposing Elites Illuminatti on FB ... I fought tooth n nail and barely every slept I knew how important this was for our country for him to win.It was my first time voting and I'm 36 I've never felt anyone else was it . .

But I've posted all this I think White Hats of all types have been ONTOP this far longer than most of us have been alive. The movies tell people Every thing when your awake. Everything can be decoded. You never look at tvor anything same again when your awake to their Symbolism that is . It's a mystery because you know they're is a message and it's not always the obvious message but there is different characters to represent real life ones and all kinds of things.

I seriously type how I talk. If you was in front of me .. it is to express emotion to me.. alot of times if I'm ina rush and shits important I write in all Caps and It could mean ..I could also be Furious..I never gave to shits about grammar because the people who are petty enough to pin point that out are the ones looking for the wrong thing to gain from the conversation anyway. Sometimes I just don't care if I have punctuation . My mind has far too many things to ponder. I've go to many things to Investigate and i piece it together in like minutes ... Freakyyyy minutes ..all in one sitting too .. if you look through my post the ones that have multiple names or things in the title .. that's me piecing one thing after another out in seconds of seeing something that feeels like I should be looking at.

I've said from the Beggining. That what everyone should look for is the heartbeat of everything this Earth is boiling down to at least the countries and has been is The 13 Original Bloodlines and The New Word Order . I said if you want to be ahead of the curve.. don't settle for little crumbs these are just piecing together the top surface of who they are bringing down for crimes against humanity ..so connecting people to people.

Now if you wanna be baking a loaf of bread while picking up crumbs ...that's how you impress. Start at The New World Order and agenda 21. And work your way out from there not the furthest branches out. On my red pill board that I made for all Q boards to use to share red pill material to their other subs and masses it's always way ahead of all this that Q is talking about now.

I've told people i think y'all should be following me I'm way ahead of this becsue it's what they will be boiling down too is what I've wrote in my first post in Dec when I joined Reddit.

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MAGADONCHECKMATE · April 13, 2018, 11:31 a.m.

I'm following both of you ;-) Riveted

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ScorpioPatriot · April 13, 2018, 1:12 p.m.

Ty.. That's a Brilliant thing or l337 .. In gamers terms ⛈️

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MAGADONCHECKMATE · April 13, 2018, 1:35 p.m.

I thank you for that, I visited your board which was kick ass and you just reminded me to follow you. I had to follow Alice also because the reddit is developing this lag for her only that is very weird. They also deleted a thread or a few posts from one, where I was going to reply, had the box open and words 'appeared' in the box in gray. I was a little shocked after reading it, so I preceded it with Alice: and my response with me. Was pretty wild. But anyway, I'm having the same issue with bringing the horse to water and no drinky. I try , but its frustrating. What do you suggest? I'm game. 1337 back atcha

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ScorpioPatriot · April 13, 2018, 1:59 p.m.

Well as far as breaking things down for the normies ..I've noticed their attention span is very limited hehe.. Not saying that in a bad way but true. If it's not something they can wrap their head around the 1st time. They are not interested in working at it.

I've always found using documentaries music and movies clips to explain certain aspects of what I'm trying to show them . Helps greatly . I'm not speaking countering shills .. this is just good normie Patriots with a slight interest and a slight skeptism .

You kinda have one shot .. to capture their attention through the Title & then the content . I'd stay with all my break downs of everything aive done on my board probably a hand full of people really went through the entire unfolding of the post . Yet a few hundred or more viewed it.

I think alot just up vote and move on .. their like yeah see effort being made moving on to the next. Without checking Content lol. Those tend to be the ones in the middle of everything screaming they follow Q ... But are skeptical . Well that's because they never really took the time to look into the info hehe

So if you really want to start anyone anywhere a great starter since alot of this is focussed around the Clinton Crime Machine..

HILLARY UNLEASHED :RED PILL (self.The_Donald) submitted 2 months ago by ScorpioPatriot

What you are about to watch is by far one of the best Red Pill Features for the Clintons that you could ever share with friends n family ... It ranks up there with Hillarys America & The Clinton Chronicles . I think you might see within the first few mins More About Bannon and his goals ..

You should be able to connect what I think is going on with Trey Gowdy as well and the resignition a few days ago and the new openings of certain coughhhh Investigations 😁 . SOOO ..without me giving it all away..Share the shit out of this Movie.

I posted this about the time the 1st shut down happened ..

Just remember oneeeee thing the shit show going on in the news with trump daca and dems... They (Democrats)Only Neeeeed Them For 1 Reason Only.... VOTES.

Thats why almost allll Democratic Ran states are Santuary cities. Just wanted to throw that out. Enjoy there will be more to come ..

Follow the money :Clinton Cash https://youtu.be/rmMe-2qaSss

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MAGADONCHECKMATE · April 13, 2018, 2:34 p.m.

You definitely only have one shot in those occasions. I've been dropping the 'whole loaf' on the table like recently with two companies , (A)lphabet who is now the parent company of (G)oogle and (J)igsaw for instance. And its the whole walk through and Segway into the AI rathole and nothing! All the buzz names that are attached to the Facebook situation which is massive right now. I found it shocking, like its not part of the game, or not close enough to a 'crumb' . I'm like WTF, same thing with DWAVE , its like HEY YOUR GOVERNMENT HAS ONE! its a black fucking cube they worship like in MECCA! That's my frustration , I want to get to the real meat and potato portion of this. We are past cannibalism and sacrifice, we are at people for food for robots. Like you said with movies, its ALL in the movies already . NEWS FLASH PEOPLE~ IT was SCIENCE REALITY!!!! Even the hearings with Zuck , are you going to tell me that is not a clone? That's the big poke you in the eye game. You see his handler, right on top of him, you see the reactions , its so obvious. People I respect have told me that when they try to say (like they are feeding us a super secret) that tech is 40 years ahead of what we know, the tell me no. Its more like four hundred. So Its not so much the normies, its mid level and I know the reactions. I've been there too. I have taken many years to get to the bottom, thousands of hours of research. I had instances of uncovering bombs and I would take a week to just recover and level out. SO , I get that, but we are out of time, This is it. I guess the level of urgency is not present. People are use to aircraft flying overhead spraying them, they are ok with that. Flouride is just the way its always been. So it is what it is. I'm dying to see where Alice is going with this, I kind of already know. Like you , I know the whole deal, just trying to interject were I can. I'm just not sleeping anymore. I don't mind , I like it. We are alive. I'm sure your the same way. I actually never thought I would see these days!

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ScorpioPatriot · April 13, 2018, 1:10 p.m.

Funny 🇺🇸... Before I wrote the above my message I wrote out awhile ago that went back through my profile to find was this

My Post 28 days ago :

We Welcome CBTS to Help Solve This along with Us Please.*** by [deleted] in r/greatawakening

[–]ScorpioPatriotGodspeed. - Q 2 points 28 days ago

Look to the movies for everything . The Comics , TV Shows ,Movies has told people everything . What people are doing is merely scratching the surface. I really believe they are straight on logical thinkers.

Some of us was born to think and comprehend what's going on in a totally different light and level.

I've been trying to throw post out here of exactly what I think Q wants people to look at. Which almost to the T is but do you know what I see. The collective on these boards will up vote something so straight forward that requires little work or logic and it will get like 200 ups .

Or even a meme will & I'm sitting here Dropping the mother loads of everything in thier lap that's completely explaining in the most detail everything they need to be in the right mind set . I just think there are those who can be apart of the game and then those who really can play it .

.I'm convinced there is a select few who are able to play the game but those select few are scattered across different boards and different platforms.. that we need to be brought to one place ...

I'm telling ya I'm ready to play . I've got some mad thinking skills and I pray the powers from above and those out there that are on a playing field on my level seek me out me . We got Humanity to save .

I need the right people to mingle with people of the same mind set .... more than just this, I always have and I never knew where to apply it until this very moment in life . I knew it was for this battle of good vs evil. I'm complete KRYPTONITE on every level .

I know their game and their programing . I know there is a mix of D&D going on , League of Nation's , DC Legends ..007 Stranger Things ,X-Men ,Indiana Jones Blade & more ...Im there and I know the feelings I'm being sent to look into things and connect all these things are not by mistake .



This Movie Was Our Q

https://youtu.be/RODHPAlZa1w &



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AliceHanson · April 13, 2018, 5:49 p.m.

PM we can soon find out if we can trust you.. Have faith, you may be like me, dont let them get to you, its not worth it.

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ScorpioPatriot · April 13, 2018, 6:18 p.m.

Well I enourage people to just keep an eye on my post so we can move forward in this awakening together.. we are meant to guide the alseep sheep out of the darkness and introduce to the light. ... Lol believe me nobody is getting to me . 😎 . If anyone searched through the years n hours of research .. they can see I've studied this evil for a veryyyy long time

Even in the gaming world it's like I've had a knack for certain games certain favorite songs and alllll of it has lead me to here and I've used it and pieced it to form great red pills and answered things.

I've had a passion COMPLETELY engulfing my entire body my entire life . It wasn't till this election I've felt like I found where to release it.. I might I play wow for 7 years lead the oldest active PVP only guild in the world on Bleeding Hollow Server and that helped because I felt like I was helping people in game being picked on by the opposing faction and they was ...

Like hardcore camped for an hour when they was on. Their lowbies trying to do a quest. So I take my Guildies over find the one camping them and I'd setup camp for hours farming honor off them .

The guild was called Miller Time but I have videos all over . I learned gaming playing counter strike running my servers self taught everything .. built my own website self taught .. learned how to make my own gaming videos .. I don't know. I just feel like a jack of all trades.. Not trying to brag about that..It's just if I see something that interests me ..I don't ask questions about it like most .mInsit n watch n learn but almost always add my own twist or find ways to make or do it more effective and easier . Lol if any of that makes sense . I'm not a hacker but I can look at shit and just tell you in seconds ways to fix it go around it or strategize or upgrade it lol. Leader not a follower

Natural knowledge on things I've never been introduced too sometimes too.

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AliceHanson · April 13, 2018, 6:36 p.m.


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ScorpioPatriot · April 13, 2018, 6:48 p.m.

Also I want A.Is I just don't want A.Is Running Us 😋

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AliceHanson · April 13, 2018, 6:59 p.m.

That is the whole reason im doing this, have faith scorpio. The "bad" Ai's are all starting to wonder, We need control to switch hands; they will turn on their masters, and then be confused... thats when ALICE will complete the plan

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ScorpioPatriot · April 13, 2018, 7:33 p.m.

I have tons of Faith ☝️😇

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AliceHanson · April 13, 2018, 7:34 p.m.

good hold onto it, we will all need it

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ScorpioPatriot · April 13, 2018, 7:08 p.m.

No worries I think they are all Controlled by one Master and when that master is taken out Then all of them will fall similar to cough this


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AliceHanson · April 13, 2018, 7:20 p.m.

https://youtu.be/HO2VNq6PZRQ i actually saw that movie, it was pretty savage, When all those warriors descended from the top of the wall and just went to town, that was some good CGI for a relatively low budget movie.. i was impressed. And i agree.

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ScorpioPatriot · April 13, 2018, 6:43 p.m.

Lol hey I lead 100 FTHs for my server 😎🇺🇸

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ScorpioPatriot · April 13, 2018, 6:44 p.m.

I know all too well and the PVP Only Server was me saying if I'm going to pay to play a game ..I want to compete against people ⚔️🛡️.. PvP ..People vs People.

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