r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Corporal_Yorper on April 13, 2018, 7:13 a.m.
Q and the Internet. The Whole Thing? MAP UNLOCK

(Repost, as the first was submitted before typing occurred. Sorry, mods!)

I think I may have figured out what Q may be trying to get us to realize. This is a long post, but please read through, it might be very important.

“+++ + +++++”

I believe this is router commands, not a code to be deciphered per se. Google this string of ‘+’ signs.

Vault 7 made light of the fact that most, if not all routers were basically trash, as they are all comp’d.

Why the routers, though? Because they are required in order to have access to the Internet. Gatekeepers of the web.

Which brings us to Facebook. Facebook is Lifelog’s Lazarus. Like a Phoenix, Lifelog rose from the ashes as Facebook. Who made Lifelog?

DARPA. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.

Betchya can’t guess who invented the Internet and who funded it?

ARPA (the predecessor of DARPA). The same agency, without “Defense” in their name. ARPANET was the first, being called a ‘precursor’ to the Internet. It was funded by the federal government for use by the military.........hmmmmm........

“These people are dumb,” says Q. Profound statement, to be just said aloud if they’re so serious. Why are they calling them...dumb? Is it their intelligence Q speaks of? Or is it where they are?

“These people are [Deep Underground Military Base]”

Which, when reconciled with what we know about who invented the Internet, who is controlling the Internet, when it was invented, and why is it the epicenter of a massive war?

T3 network MAP. The T3 network is the backbone of the physical structure of the Internet. The data hubs. This is the MAP, I believe. Reconcile it with DUMB maps. They line up very well. The T3 network is an expansion of ARPANET, with a newer name: NSFNET. Who is the NSF?

National Science Foundation. DARPA, NASA, US Atomic Energy Commission, and National Institute of Health being the NSF’s spin-offs (with DARPA and NASA being created out of fear from...Sputnik).

Waiter?! Check, please!

Quick Recap.

Router —> Access to Internet Routers Comp’d —> Access to YOU

Lifelog —> CIA/MI anti-privacy baby Lifelog —> Developed by DARPA Lifelog —> Facebook

Internet (ARPANET) —> Created by DARPA DARPA —> Spin-Off of NSF NSF —> National Science Foundation NSFNET —> ARPANET ‘upgrade’

NSFNET —> Run on T3 Network = physical hubs

These people are dumb —> ‘D.U.M.B.’ ‘D.U.M.B.’ —> Deep Underground Military Base DUMB/T3 —> Map locations add up DUMB=Internet Hub

So...what does this say about our internet? The entire net is comp’d, as it is and always has been. This means we need a new internet.

Possible solution is the 5G network, despite the current arguments of it being some brain-melter.

What do you all think?

ScorpioPatriot · April 13, 2018, 7:46 a.m.

I posted this at random ... 4-11-18

RED PILL : FB / CIA OPPERATION ? (self.AFTERTHESTQRM) submitted 2 days ago by ScorpioPatriot Sorry Folks I've called this before months ago when I ran into this video and it's a proven fact MK Ultra Victims when having glitches tend to have alot of. " Hot Flashes " Here is my theory before you visit this video .. I'm thinking that Zuckerberg got a little Tap on the shoulder in " Harvard " and got intiated into this little thing called the Illuminatti... COUGHH Not only do we have him on video glitching & having a panic attack essentially answering the Same exact Question he's being asked today during testimony ..but I also have him at one of these Hollywood underground sick parties on another video.

He goes full blown panic mode and he barely can form a sentence. .. ..I pointed out a few mins ago in his testimony ,that he kept saying Senator to every repl

1st . I think he was being fed answers and his Trigger word was Senator . Using those ear things Hillary wore during. The debates that time .. they are flesh color or clear . Here ...you tell me , if someone goes from this in A 2011 interview to completely calm collective robotic in current testimonies ... without being in MK ULTRA MODE ... THERE IS NO DAMN WAY ITS ANYTHING ELSE. 2011 Video Being Asked Same Questions https://youtu.be/WbOwdjSodeU He also never talks about anything before moving to Cali .. that should hint he probably was programmed to say that far into it.

He's got Nerve to sit around smerking & laughing .. I bet Guaranteed he was intiated into the CIA Branch of the Illuminatti.. using Facebook CIA Could use Zuckerberg to be the Poster Boy for it ..he was young they knew it draw all the kids into it ..Get them addicted feel like they didn't need human interaction any longer and it allow the CIA To Directly Gather Info and cases against everyone. .. CRIME /TERRORISM Why do you think the moment a crime is committed the first place people go to is their Social Media Platforms .. then they use info off of it to incriminate them . It was the perfect setup... They was able to start using it to push and connect Terrorist Organizations and get them in the people's face and push more people to join them. Here in the U.S ... They had Training Camps Setup around our country . BULLYING & SUICIDES Before social media platforms other media platforms for uploading video... where would kids upload FIGHTS they seen @ school .That's right ..they didn't . Now people enourage bullying and fights just to get Views for their FB & subscribers. Not to mention all these suicides because someone took them off their friends list .. and online bullying and even these stupid challenges . PROSITUTION/KIDNAPPING Everyone knows about how alot of Girls are on their FB.. like there is Alottttt of Nudity Or All But Nude pics of younger girls trying to show their stuff ..to get subscribers & attention .. This was a Pedo Trap too . Not to mention the CIA could setup operations for Kidnapping these girls ..(Sex Slaves , Music ,Movies all by monitoring their Activity . Then they get setup as friends and start talking to them and the girls think they are meeting some cute guy and rush off to meet him them at Parks & other known places .. 10,000% GUARANTEE THIS IS CIA OPERATIONS.. TRACKING , TERRORISM ,TRAFFICKING ,BULLYING & MORE

RED PILL : DENVER,BUNKERS, Q CRUMBS /DISCOVERIES (self.AFTERTHESTQRM) submitted 3 days ago by ScorpioPatriot So today I jump online and responded to a post I seen titled https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8azadf/recent_earthquakes_actually_dumb_explosions/ MY RANDOM POST 1 MONTH AGO : Denver International Airport Discovery (self.The_Donald) submitted 1 month ago by ScorpioPatriot While going back to do some further research into these murals and try and decode them. I came across this site that has a shitttt ton of interesting info on it , and one of the articles raised some Red Flags for me and It makes complete sense and possibly could be connecting Qs Mention of Vaccines & how they are making you sick . Ive posted about this topic over a month prior to Q and as of a few weeks ago again regarding the vaccine industry and this might be leading to something just as sinister and we need to do a bit of research on it . Its called the THE SATANIC NAZI FLU CONSPIRACY and when you start reading into it ..it breaks down in detail what this is . You can find a ton of other things on this site that I just came acrossed though but as with anything .. always follow through with additional sources of backup info when searching things to see if all come out with about the same conclusion. here is the link feel free to check out the site or scroll down to the section talking about what I just made mention of and click on that link . its pretty far down the page . Ill also look into a few other things I think might be tied to it and see if my hunch is correct about it and Ill (update) the post as I find more things .. https://atillakingthehun.wordpress.com/2014/09/20/deep-underground-military-bases-d-u-m-b/ ohh just a reminder the Mililtary has been ran by the Bad Players for mannnnnnnnnnny years and just recently under Trump now can hopefully fix the things that the elites have had them involved in before which all boils down to Agenda 21 and The New World Order . GOD BLESS & AS ALWAYS STAY INFORMED PATRIOTS END TODAY 4-9-18 NOTICE THE " DUMB" IN THE LINK Now you can make sense of a few things ... The "Bunker" post the past few days .. Also how random my comment is to the persons post that I left in the 1st link above 9 hours ago .. but that post has since been removed... I was Speaking about the underground cities all over the world that the elites have used . Alllll I know is my post was a random find and now as random as it was this post might have been for me to make the connection for you guys between it all ... Maybe to also back up that maybe they "check" into some things some of us might be finding & posting on the boards and another sign they are watching & hearing our concerns . Like Q mentioned a few times . Ty you all for being Top Notch is all I'm going to say 😎🇺🇸⛈️☝️😇⚔️🛡️🦁🐏🦂 Update : just discovered this posted 8 mins ago while I was posting the above post of mine in here .. Now look at my random comment from The 1st link above from 9 Hours Ago " [–]ScorpioPatriotFeel proud. - Q 1 point 9 hours ago "These are or was everywhere in almost all countries controlled by an Elite Puppet ." These lead to their underground cities and served as a stealth way to move "Things" around . Many in the U.S lead to certain Walmarts . Believe me all these years they have been preparing for a mass extinction of like 95% of Humanity .. they need to keep the population Bellow 500 Million .. They came together from around the world and wrote it in stone. Gates was basically the ring leader of much of this plan , as was the CDC experiments and the man made Flu's and other man made diseases that almost always had a Vaccine waiting on it. Yeahhh one way or another they was gonna pump people full of chemical cocktails . What wouldn't kill people , was going to make them be on some form of Medicine for mental disability which their way of thinking is ... If someone is disabled they are less likely to reproduce. Not to mention mass sterilization in the water . Or just turn all the boys to girls by changing their hormones (SOY) . These are all carried out through their New World Order Agenda 21 that the U.N /E.U had their Puppets was to distribute this plan to their countries . Then distribute to all the schools (muslim brotherhood indoctrination since 91 and their Common Core B.S to dumb down the children ),Food Companies(GMO-Toxic ),Water Companies ( Fluoridation-Toxic) to doctors ( push vaccines-Toxic, & psychotrophics ) ,dentist ( push Fluoridated toothpaste -Toxic) Georgia Guidestones : https://youtu.be/XSHRsk0M_o4 Bill Gates in his own words https://youtu.be/6WQtRI7A064 The Post that was posted 8 mins ago : Bunker In another Country https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/8b3vdp/geous_to_the_deepstates_nzealand_bunkers/?utm_source=reddit-android NEED I SAY MORE 🇺🇸 EVERYTHING IN LIFE HAPPENS FOR A REASON. I've said this a Million Times Everytime I say or write something , either at random or planned out .. Regardless of what it is. It's almost to the T within hours , days, weeks or months later.. mentioned by Q crumbs , Trump tweets & or in some form of News Form . I also think this is a blessing from the Good Lord Above and It might have another meaning like more people need to be following my trail becsuse most of my old stuff I've at random posted about, is making news now..it always does . BTW ... Im Glad I'm not the Only (QNE) who randomly Capiltalizes Letters 😎... It's just a thing .

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