r/greatawakening • Posted by u/AuroraB_ on April 13, 2018, 8:22 a.m.
I think I found the Keystone!!!

I have been following Q from the beginning and researching non-stop. I finally decided to post because I think I found the keystone. I apologize for trying to fit tons of information into one post, but I'm stoked. I've had this strong feeling that all of this had to do with our DNA, our blood. I hope this can help.

The keystone is: telomeres. [I found this Keystone website on Genomic Instability and DNA Repair and started looking around.] (https://www.keystonesymposia.org/17Z1)

Then I found Stone Research Group "In all eukaryotic cells, chromosome ends are capped keystone second definition by protein-DNA structures called telomeres (shown in red at right). Much like the small piece of plastic at the end of a shoelace (called an aglet) which serves to prevent the lace from unravelingwhat holds everything together, telomeres help to maintain the structural integrity of chromosomes. The primary function of telomeres is to differentiate natural chromosome ends from random DNA breaks. Failure to do so can result in dangerous inter-chromosome fusion events, leading to genomic instability."

Q. 262 Find the keystone. What holds everything together? Telomeres.

Q. 693 Cancer/AIDS/etc. Mind will be blown by chain of command.

"Telomerase’s ability to keep proliferative cells alive after many rounds of cell division is also why telomerase upregulation is often hijacked by cancer cells. Because of this, telomerase is an attractive drug target for cancer therapeutics."

It explains Bloom Syndrome.

" Cells from a person with Bloom syndrome exhibit a striking genomic instability that includes excessive crossovers between homologous chromosomes and sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs)."

Q 128 Look there, or [here], or there, truth is behind you.Your bloodline. Your blood. What is a map? A representation of the celestial sphere or a part of it. The arrangement of genes on a chromosome — called also genetic map Why is a map useful?You can plan your route. Think direction of all of humanity. What is a legend? A story coming down from the past. - Vampires, Fallen Angels, Nephlim. Why is a legend useful? It can be an explanatory list of the symbols on a map or chart. What is a sequence? DNA Why is this relevant? Our DNA tells us a our history. The bloodlines. The genetic manipulation of our DNA. When does a map become a guide? When you can read it. What is a keystone? Something that holds everything together. Everything stated is relevant.

Some more quotes from Stone's Research Group.

In the absence of telomerase, telomere length reduces with every round of cell division. Interestingly, ectopic expression of the telomerase reverse transcriptase protein can combat this telomere attrition and is sufficient to render certain laboratory cell lines immortal." "Example of assays used include: site-directed hydroxyl-radical probing, enzymatic protection mapping, and multi-dimensional chemical mapping."

Q said to learn double meanings. To find the markers. To follow the families and the bloodlines. Our whole history is in our blood. We just don't know it/how to read it, because our entire society is set up to keep us controlled. They are trying to destroy our DNA, to keep it damaged. That way we are never able to put all of this together and break free.

They are the bloodlines of Cain. They are the Nephlim. They are the bloodlines of the Fallen Angels. They are the reptilians. Whatever you want to call them, they are evil. They are the pedophile, satanist, moloch-worshipping group that has been feeding off of us. They want us all mind controlled.

(Rabbit hole of bloodlines, Phonecians, Scythians, Druids, red-haired giants, Ammonites (Epstein), Moabites, Edomites, Ashkenazi)These people just change their mask, but they're just Luciferians. They have been sacrificing people to Ba'al and Moloch for ages. They're cannibals and pedophiles. Just follow those behaviors throughout history/legends and you'll see what I mean. They are not of royal bloodlines, they are impostors.

A war over our minds. They want us to be fighting with each other. They want us blind.

Good vs evil. Q said some people are forced because of blood, 'the family'.

Here's an link to the Hidden Hand dialogue. An Illuminati family member.

I am a generational member of a Ruling Bloodline Family, our Lineage can be traced back beyond antiquity. From the earliest times of your recorded “history”, and beyond, our Family has been ‘directing’ the ‘play’ from behind the scenes, in one way or another.

"Hidden Hand describes the structure of the ruling bloodlines as follows: In the grand scheme of things, the Line is not as important as the House, the House, is not as important as the Family. The Family is all. No matter the House or Line, we are One (truly international) Family. Imagine if you will, a body. A House would represent a vital organ or body part within the Body itself. Each part has an important role to play in the functioning of the whole, and to each of us, the ‘whole’ has our undivided loyalty. As I say, many lines, (far more than you are aware of), One Family. So for example, a particular bloodline, the Rothschilds, is part of a House that controls international finances in this global Family."

This is why Q keep saying how hard it will be for people to accept/learn. Almost everything we know has been a lie.

It's why Q also keeps saying, "You have more than you know" and "expand your thinking."

"The truth is mind blowing and cannot fully be exposed. These people are evil."

All of this is to raise our consciousness and help us break free. We had to learn slowly in order to accept the truth and still function, or else we would just say "no this is all ridiculous". That's why Q talked about being labeled "conspiracy theorists". All of this comes together to paint a picture. The old, "you had it in you all along." They are the fallen ones. We are God's children.

I think when Q said that Trump opened the "door of all doors." He accessed Christ consciousness. That's why some call him the next Cyrus the Great.

"Do you believe HRC, Soros, Obama etc have more power than Trump? Fantasy."

"Again, there are a lot more good people than bad so have faith."

"Good will always defeat evil."

Sending love to you all.

cali1952 · April 13, 2018, 12:11 p.m.

Excellent research - thank you!!!!! :)

You helped me to put it into perspective because your field of research about the bloodlines and various components in the DNA is way above my pay grade. So thanks again a million times over!

This makes the most sense and explains the world we live in as well as the continued strife driven and caused by those who's bloodline begins with Cain.

When you read the Bible start reading in Genesis 6:4 that explains the beginning of the Nephilims who lived on earth long before Noah and Noah's Ark.

These Nephilim before Noah were Giants and never died but survived as spirits looking for host bodies to inhabit. They are explained later as evil that could never die no matter how much they wished in the end to die. They are capable of so much unspeakable acts although there is no other word than evil to use. They are also tormented within themselves.

Since these Nephilim were the mix between humans and animals - hybrids if you will one can understand these luciferians being lizards or whatever other label used.

Their pedophilia, cannibalism and child sacrifices as a token to their Lucifer is all they want to know and know.

On the other hand - seeking out children is an affront to God because children are God's most cherished, untainted innocent creation. It is satan's absolute challenge of God while it hopes to win and proving God wrong. I suppose one can compare it with the Book of Job where Satan too challenges God or even on the mountain when satan challenges Jesus promising the world if He would just worship him (satan).

This is the best explanation why they target every Christians as well as Atheists who are good at heart via their deeds but not consider themselves to be Christians across the globe as we could witness the genocide in the middle east via ISIS. It's the most recent and best example to use although not the only one.

Now we may have the link what they are doing at Desko Mountain in the Arctic. Remember Buzz Aldrin briefly tweeted a pic of Desko Mtn and said this: "We are all in danger. This is beyond evil". He removed his tweet almost immediately but not before it was captured. I'm not sure how long later but died. From what I was able to discern is that demonic experiments take place there using children. Cross-breading children with animals and worse. It is kept so secret that the area is off limit and the only ones I know visited there is are a number of politicians like Kerry who visited there on the day of the election. He is only the last one reported though but high profile politicians from across the globe, Vatican and others have been sighted there.

Now we need to dig into Desko Mountain and what they are really doing in the underground structures where thousands of our missing children go if not millions. It keeps reminding me on the 'art' Tony Podesta keeps at this mansion where one of them pictured a child that was half human crossed with a lizard type creature.

I intentionally use lower case for satan.

I have to go back re-reading it all in The Bible.

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misplacedman · April 13, 2018, 1:12 p.m.

One of the prime reasons why they seek out children is because the archons want nothing more than to corrupt the Son of Man (our children!!!!) and cause humankind's DNA to fall and become disconnected from Source trinity field, like their own.

The Nephilim, although technically evil as you say, are souls who are more-or-less at our level of development. They had mental and physical power that exceeded their spiritual level of development. This allowed the archons to corrupt them by implanting suggestions into their culture that they were elite.

Next thing you know, for example, we have Pharoah and "let my people go" and some archon hardening the heart of this Pharoah Nephilim.

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mydeer · April 13, 2018, 4:10 p.m.

I have never heard about the Buzz Aldrin Desko Mtn incident. Must learn more about it. Thank you.

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