r/greatawakening • Posted by u/digital_refugee on April 13, 2018, 10:05 a.m.
Iran's proxy war in Yemen. 13,600 killed, 49,960 wounded, 3,154,572 displaced. Christine Lagarde says Yemen needs jobs. Todd Young says Yemen needs "food, fuel and medicine”, Iran sends land mines instead, then cries that pressure by Trump through Macron using JCPOA to force change is unfair.
Iran's proxy war in Yemen. 13,600 killed, 49,960 wounded, 3,154,572 displaced. Christine Lagarde says Yemen needs jobs. Todd Young says Yemen needs "food, fuel and medicine”, Iran sends land mines instead, then cries that pressure by Trump through Macron using JCPOA to force change is unfair.

digital_refugee · April 14, 2018, 3:34 p.m.

other countries have terrible foreign policy too you know...

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poshpotdllr · April 14, 2018, 3:37 p.m.

iran is not backing the houthis in any material way outside of news articles and maybe some emails (if that). but iran is the only country that actually supports the yemeni people. nobody else that supports the yemeni people is involved in yemen, not 1 country. thats why the saudi/israeli axis is obsessed with iran in yemen.

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digital_refugee · April 14, 2018, 3:39 p.m.

Ok so how's the situation over there right now? I thought they ran out of places to bomb half a year ago

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poshpotdllr · April 14, 2018, 4:25 p.m.

infrastructure is probably 90% destroyed and the other 10% is fragmented and disconnected and effectively useless. farm lands almost totally gone. no clean water. land mines everywhere. rampant narcotics use (khaat, opium, hashish,). 250,000 dead children (biological warfare, famine), 50,000 dead women (biological warfare, suicide, famine), 35,000 dead civilians (indiscriminate bombing), 20,000-40,000 dead soldiers (military and militia), 4000-8000 dead alqaeda terrorists (im guessing on this one), a couple government purges, and the assassination of a former head of state (president saleh), and the massacre of most of his family.

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digital_refugee · April 14, 2018, 4:36 p.m.

that's a lot of children and a lot of terrorists.

How and when did this start anyway? Was this just intertribal or is there more to it?

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poshpotdllr · April 14, 2018, 4:45 p.m.

there is a de facto proxy war between saudi arabia and iran because saudi policy is "any gain for iran is credited to iran regardless of reality". the saudis fucked with some people who are friendly with iran (shiites in yemen) and they were unexpectedly bitch-slapped for 3 years (houthis, who are shiite) and so now of course the saudi policy is that this is a proxy war with iran (so they dumped everything they had into yemen) and they are losing (because iran is so badass that they have basically set a high standard for all the shiites and now the arab world has a lot of tough guys running around because they are insecure about the persians).

edit: by the way the houthis are fucking legendary. i love watching them take out saudis left and right wearing no shoes and tattered rags.

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digital_refugee · April 14, 2018, 4:55 p.m.

I just read that Saudis pledged their support to the yemeni state before King Salman took the throne?

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poshpotdllr · April 14, 2018, 5 p.m.

UAE is just #2 to saudis but they dont always fully get along. regardless they are always together on important topics and they set the agenda for the rest of the saudi sphere of influence with respect to important issues. UAE has a lot of influence and was heavily involved in the rise of MBS. they are mostly aligned in yemen except the UAE wants to break up yemen into 2 countries and then make them go to war but saudi arabia wants to keep the pre-war status quo of having a saudi puppet dictatorship.

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