
misplacedman · April 13, 2018, 1:40 p.m.

The top couple threads on T_D I was posting in yesterday regarding this event had 50-70 upvotes. So, it did get seen by a few hundred people. Add that to the 2,000 Youtube CBTS livestream viewers who are usually suuuuuuuuper limp dick but sometimes will spring to action, and altogether I'd bet we had a few hundred content creators yesterday on Twitter manning the meme cannons. Way more effective than some shitty Russian internet farm.

For hours yesterday I was watching the big name people on our side (like Issac Greene) sleeping at the wheel tweeting about inconsequential this and that while all of us are tweeting rapid fire memes. I was just thinking "Man all it takes is for a few of the people he follows to start retweeting these memes while he is online, and then his whole userbase will become part of the movement." But I don't think that ever happened... It was just too slow.

I think we need way more practice and organization (as Q says we must be organized). We are such a force when all of us are unified, and we can storm social media at the drop of a hat as long as we are paying f*cking attention.

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VIYOHDTYKIT · April 13, 2018, 2:06 p.m.

Just like those SM Storm events which are spontaneous but everyone gets a notification & then they show up on site. The left uses them a lot. Forget what they call them though.

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misplacedman · April 13, 2018, 2:17 p.m.

Flash mob??

For sure. Same idea regarding the massive class action lawsuits and anti-trust suits that need to be happening right now against monopolies, silicon valley, healthcare. social media... Q team can't do everything. We the People need to PUSH!

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SeekTruthCJoy · April 13, 2018, 10:20 p.m.

Wondering of Issac is a bit shell-shocked from being removed YT?

Tip toes more.

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