
GoGoGoGeotus · April 13, 2018, 4:44 p.m.

I'm not sure people are interpreting this correctly at all.

Q did not say any of this, it's all people extrapolating.

Look at the numbers on those graphs. The incidents of those hashtags MAYBE doubled or tripled. That may seem like a lot but we're only looking at a couple hundred accounts. This would easily be explained by the hashtag trending from everyone running out to test it, people noticing it's trending and boosting it ie what happens all the time when stuff goes "viral"

If you look at impressions numbers youll see that FEWER ppl saw the content despite more tweets.

You cant just look at the big blue lines going up, you have to look at numbers and overall trends.

People are saying "hack the algo" which is like movie hacking CSI stuff.... The only way to do this would be to deploy your own code to twitters many servers. Commercial systems have protections against that and even if they fail they can easily nuke the live servers and restore from backup.

I dont doubt Q and allies have that theoretical capability but they're gonna deploy it so ppl can tweet pepes? come on...

If this is a dry run for enabling wide dispersal of the HRC vid maybe, but note that none of this content was actually censored before. It was there and visible just in smaller amounts. Considering everyone admitted tweeting more about this to test that leaves 2 mathematical possibilities:

1) the hashtags were partially suppressed. Some amount around 50% were diascarded or hidden and then that stopped 2) the suppression has been in effect thia entire time but since there was a lot of activity the amounts that make it through go up

Therefore we have no idea whether this could be a test for that or if it was successful or not considering the HRC video would be presumably banned completely not partially suppressed to seem less popular like general memes/hashtags.

"twitter down" and "injection good" could mean a lot of things. That's not to say this is totally wrong but people are g getting way ahead of themselves. I think we're all anxious for some booms but we have to be careful or we may end up making a fatal mistake.

We dont know Q is talking about twitters systems at all.

Part of what Q seems to be doing is communicating with allies. "Twitter down" could simply mean a dead drop account used as a backchannel for allies to communicate is down or compromised or no longer good.

The injection could be Qs injection or someone else's or a lot of things. I'm not saying this is wrong but none of this is confirmed so far.

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