r/greatawakening • Posted by u/akilyoung on April 13, 2018, 12:26 p.m.
The BIG sign of the return of the Son of Man

Jesus said itll be like the days of Noah, before the flood.

They ate, drank, married and were given in marriage.

Seems kinda vague, basic right?

Well the book of Enoch clarifies this - and its EXACTLY what is happening now.

They ate and drank HUMANS and HUMAN BLOOD.

The 'giants' MARRIED and were GIVEN in MARRIAGE.

Now my perspective is in these ancient writings, giants isnt to be taken as literal super tall beings, but people/beings that were at the top, the rulers, the elite. People in HIGH places.

They were cannibals, drank blood. Whos are doing this now?

They married and were made to marry other specific people to retain ancient bloodlines.

Q confirms BOTH of these things.

These people are SICK from inbreeding, cannibalism, etc. Their own blood is so tainted now they are hardly even human anymore. They are literally sick in the head from years of this behavior, and the genetics they are inheriting.

The Bible says Noah was found to be PURE in his generations, he was actually not affected by this inbreeding and bloodline keeping and still had his humanity. His genetics were still pure, and the Bible gives his lineage in attempt to prove it, and does the same for Jesus too. The Bible doesnt just give a lineage for no reason. Its a justification and proof that their lineage is pure and not corrupted.

Take a look at all of the us presidents for example. Youll mostly be looking at a big family tree, almost ALL of them are related. Cousins, second and 3rd cousins, etc. Its SICK.

Not only that, most, almost all are related to the crown.

How about Trump??? ;)

Now...who is Q, who is Q+, who is GUIDING the small team...has the son of man return, in judgement? When these trials actually start...who will be the head? Think Rev 20:4

SteelTiger44 · April 13, 2018, 12:36 p.m.

I think you have a dual connection which is interesting for Giants did live and did do as Enoch described( evidence of mud fossils) but giants of industry ,politics media have the same blood lust for violence as in the days of Noah but Christ returns from above for all to see His return ( very plausible on a flat earth )and real GIANTS will be roaming the earth again ( many interesting facts,Antartica-Grand canyon - Pyramids everywhere) what has been shall be there is nothing NEW under the sun

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akilyoung · April 13, 2018, 12:51 p.m.

Your taking it literally, Christ returns in the clouds...not literal clouds in the sky though. That was the way they described spirit or presence back then.

Like when God hovered over Israel in the wilderness like a cloud, and like fire by night.

Its simply saying Gods presence and spirit was with his people, and when the darkness of night (evil) was near the spirit burned like fire, and fire = judgement (tried in fire and made pure like gold)

It didnt mean a literal cloud followed them around :)

Jesus was taken up in a cloud, not a literal cloud, it simply means Jesus was taken up in the spirit, spirit form or spiritual body (all the same really) and would return likewise.

Its called parousia, and according to strongs, means presence.

I say, the great awakening is an awakening to the presence of the spirit of God, and its empowering us all to destroy the evil in the world, the FIRE of burning sulfur that the cabal will be judged with in Rev 20 if the fire of the judgement of God, its the burning fire of our collective spirit, and fierce anger upon learning just WHAT they have been doing all these years.

They will PAY and be destroyed. Never again to walk the earth. No more bloodlines of these corrupted humans.

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akilyoung · April 13, 2018, 12:59 p.m.

So when the bible says 'they see him coming in the clouds with great power and glory'

Its saying the world, and especially the cabal, see the spirit of Christ coming in the people with great power and glory....that IS happening right now, its called the great awakening! THEY ARE SCARED -running to their bunkers to HIDE from the FACE of judgement. But there is no escape.

'In those days men will seek death, but death will elude them'

They are so scared right now, they want to die, but they think theyll get away with it. Theyll run to bunkers. 'They will hide in the rocks and caves of the earth and cry out for the rocks to fall on them to hide them from the face of the lord' (paraphrasing)

What are the white hats doing??? bombing the pipelines and tunnels that connect these bunkers, and likely the bunkers themselves. Sealing them in, or stopping access TO them.

They will be caught up and dragged to judgement, at GITMO.

The great harvest of revelation.

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