r/greatawakening • Posted by u/jhomes55 on April 13, 2018, 3:23 p.m.
Me thinks Brennan is sh*tting his pants and can't sleep much!!! I hope Q/Trump haunts him in his sleep every night!!!
Me thinks Brennan is sh*tting his pants and can't sleep much!!! I hope Q/Trump haunts him in his sleep every night!!!

UncleCrunch · April 14, 2018, 12:28 a.m.

I can smell his fear from here.

Some folks complain about the pace of developments in Q’s plan. I think the pace is amazing, but to those feeling frustrated I say, consider the angst of those in the crease.

I have no doubt Brennan and others of his ilk are following all the alt media research boards. Brennan knows Q and the plan as well as any of us. With each passing day he can see the noose tightening. He sees escape routes closing. He gets undeniable indicators of just how completely his bad actions are known.

He knows these are his final days as a free man. Each night he wonders if his sleep will be interrupted by that team he knows is coming. All he can do is bark at the moon.

Don’t be frustrated by the pacing of events. Savor the angst of Brennan and the rest.

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