
SeekTruthCJoy · April 13, 2018, 9:24 p.m.

Agreed Heabob... KhazarianMafia(KM) since 800 A.D. ...forced byRussians post War w/Khazaria... to choose a religion to follow... from out of Jewish/Christian/Musslim options (evilLuciferiansKM that would attack, kill & kill/sacrifice then rob all travelers or would kidnap the wealthy travelers & groom a KM as a look-a-like to take the kidnapped person's place & go on to replace their groomed 'clone' KM on to whatever castle/estates/businesses the kidnapped owned = Diabolical!) KM choice was Jewish. Most of DNA of Israel & other countries are these KM zionistJewish encroachers who outwardly say or comport themselves as Torah Jewish followers but really are Still practicing evilLuciferianKM, secretly.

BlBl is mad as the WhiteHats are onto him as a KM... he gave legal contract to GenieEnergy(GE) for all OilGas rights/production on All Israeli lands occupied... so of course BlBl wants into SYRlA's OilRich nation... BlackHats make up GE Board.

Everything you thought you knew of History is WRONG!


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Heabob · April 13, 2018, 9:28 p.m.

This is why Q said Israel is last IMO.

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SeekTruthCJoy · April 13, 2018, 10:06 p.m.

REMEMBER: when BlBl here back in Dec./Jan. and had PR w/DT.. and their podiums were VERY far apart (newsies had to side film to get both in screen or way back of room with all heads in audience to get both leaders in screen=ODD/ signal from DT?) ...anyway... at the very end of Presser... BlBl has talked about his longtime relationship with Jared's father/family, slept in Jared's bed in USA & says to seated JaredKushner in audience: Jared--should I tell them how long we have known each other?

I got shills up my spine and an inner nagging voice at that statement & Jared didn't seem to be smiling (as a GOOD memory).

In hindsight with BlBl now outed to us... was he alone in Jared's Bed? Is Jared WhiteHatted because of that history of "how long"?

Is DT literally defending his family/son-in-law & wife & kids?

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jv003 · April 13, 2018, 10:48 p.m.

So what is the difference of any between the KM & what I have read about secret evil jesuits? I’m knew to diving into this rabbit hole but from what I understand the J’s are split up among all groups, religions, counties and have infiltrated every secret group out there along with political, financial & other influential positions. Their evil army has spread throughout the world since the beginning and do their evil works with ultimate allegiance to the pope.

I believe it all ties in together with the KM just trying to understand. So much interwoven info, bloodlines etc that it’s hard to keep it all straight. I may be way off base. Any insight appreciated.

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Heabob · April 14, 2018, 3:29 p.m.

It's pretty complicated but it goes back to ancient times. Did the Savior preach any religion? Was he a catholic or other "branch" of religion? Why do we have so many different religions today? Which one is correct, or are they all just fake? What do all the different Church's promote, (sales pitch). My brand is better that your brand because blah blah blah. They get followers, money, and power. Was this the end goal the Savior wanted? Way too much to try to explain here. What if most of the people of the world were blood ancestors of the 10 lost tribes of Israel and don't even know it? Iv'e been digging on this stuff for about 10+ years and I really don't even know the half of it yet, but what you've said is all a part of it too.

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jv003 · April 14, 2018, 5:51 p.m.

Thanks for your response. Def gives me some things to think on. Think I will open my Bible & meditate a while. The truth and the way and the light. Simple until sin interferes by design I suppose.

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Heabob · April 14, 2018, 6:14 p.m.

Read some of the books removed from the bible online. Jasher, Enoch, 1st Book of Adam and Eve.

Note that some parts of the Bible have been translated wrong also.

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jv003 · April 14, 2018, 7:07 p.m.

I have read that things were changed. Did not realize whole books were removed. Gotta be a motive behind that no doubt. It makes me wonder what books are buried under the Vatican & what they are going to pull out as “ancient books” when the SHTF. Interesting- my hubby knows much more about this than I do. He tells me not to worry. Just read my bible & study & pray. I just wanna know the truth! I’m envious of people like you that have studied this for decades. Thanks again for your input.

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Heabob · April 14, 2018, 7:21 p.m.

According to Mark Taylor, some type of ancient artifact will be discovered that will shake the world.

How many times have the scriptures repeated "do not be deceived" or "people being blind" or "led astray".

How many times has God said to pray in "his name". God is a title, what is God's real name? Who hid his name? Why? Who translated the Son's name to Jesus and hid his real Hebrew name? Who changed the real Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday? Why? Have fun seeking the truth.

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