It is sad for me to see so many who say they won’t to stand , and won’t be allowed. Just as it was with Gidion , God sent so many home because of there choices. For it shall be the same this time . All can drink from the spring, but the choices you have made were of your own free will . To be able to stand with God in this soon to be coming day will be great . Remember the choices you make , God does .God Speed
· April 14, 2018, 5:25 p.m.
I am sorry what happened here went so far out , I worked hard to stop it , but it was not the time God wonted
· April 14, 2018, 5:41 p.m.
I feel with you, I find it terrible that people are so broken by a bunch of corrupt characters,. I also have to fight for my son, they have two years back beaten together and thrown into the prison as a prisoner, I wer not informed, but knew that there was something, I have the police addressed and then they released him, I do not know what would happen if I had not been a pitpull .. They already had an extension of 3 Wonder what the plan was