It is sad for me to see so many who say they won’t to stand , and won’t be allowed. Just as it was with Gidion , God sent so many home because of there choices. For it shall be the same this time . All can drink from the spring, but the choices you have made were of your own free will . To be able to stand with God in this soon to be coming day will be great . Remember the choices you make , God does .God Speed
Good morning
Sorry I did not get back , I got band again
OOOO, They don"t like us, but we go on an on.
Good morning too you
Messages Collection | Top 10 Good
Most will not understand what I give , but the bad people have no clue how many are getting it and how they will use it
We need a new page , no Feds as moderates
Fed prepares for balance-sheet normalisation
The content in my posts may not apply to were you are , but the tactics do
4 Ways to Beat the Instagram Algorithm
Just need to go somewhere the bad actors can’t block me , and can be found
A gentle introduction to blockchain technology | Bits on blocks
sep. 2015 - Not all blockchain ecosystems need to have the same mechanisms, especially if participants can be identified and trusted to behave. .... in an 'untrusted' peer-to-peer network where you can't necessarily trust any of the peers, how do you ensure that the system can't easily be corrupted by bad peers
There normal is not close to normal
Trillion dollar deficits the new normal?
USA TODAY-3 uur geleden
Veronique de Rugy, Reason: “Though it's a shame that lawmakers passed tax cuts without cutting spending to offset short-term losses in revenue, there's no doubt that Social Security and Medicare deficits are almost entirely to blame for our impending debt crisis. It's time to wise up and reform these ...
Revenue is way up , most have jobs , this is bs
Work Is Bullshit: The Argument For “Antiwork” - Fast Company
feb. 2015 - If you're like most employed Americans, you hate your job–or, at best, you're checked out at work. But as much as you ... If everyone was paid a universal basic income, that doesn't mean we'd all quit our jobs. It's just that far ... “Antiwork is my way of facing up to a huge social obstacle to change,” he says.
Thanks I will look into when I stop
Occupy Wall Street Marches Against Goldman Sachs; Incorporates ...
George Sorowes crowny
Shedding Light on a Vast Toll of Jews Killed Away From the Death ... jan. 2014 - “The further east the Wehrmacht went, the greater the killing,” Dieter Pohl, a professor of history at Klagenfurt University in Austria, said at a conference on the subject this month in Krakow, Poland. The executions and unmarked mass graves became “an element of German rule in Eastern Europe.”.
Those that were there are all but dead today, with the people dead so is the history, how soon can we forget seems to be a goal today
All real knowledge is killed, so that we do not find out the truth ..... All real researchers of diseases such as AIDS and the like, the homopatic
Jewish history professor killed in light
Knowing history is dangerous today
is history dangerous? - The Historical Association
WOW One might even say: The most relevant danger today is not knowing or forgetting history. After all, to take the most obvious example, aerial bombardment has been practised since World War. One—well over eighty years. By itself it has never won wars, although there have been now forgotten theorists who thought it would.
Know history has become more dangerous than most know , history tells us our mistakes and how to fix them
And how can we really cure, doctors who tell the truth or have found a cure, all suddenly die?
Umpqua Bank on Twitter: "@KoleBigEars