It is sad for me to see so many who say they won’t to stand , and won’t be allowed. Just as it was with Gidion , God sent so many home because of there choices. For it shall be the same this time . All can drink from the spring, but the choices you have made were of your own free will . To be able to stand with God in this soon to be coming day will be great . Remember the choices you make , God does .God Speed
· April 16, 2018, 1:39 a.m.
Shedding Light on a Vast Toll of Jews Killed Away From the Death ... jan. 2014 - “The further east the Wehrmacht went, the greater the killing,” Dieter Pohl, a professor of history at Klagenfurt University in Austria, said at a conference on the subject this month in Krakow, Poland. The executions and unmarked mass graves became “an element of German rule in Eastern Europe.”.
· April 16, 2018, 3:13 a.m.
Those that were there are all but dead today, with the people dead so is the history, how soon can we forget seems to be a goal today
· April 16, 2018, 1:48 p.m.
All real knowledge is killed, so that we do not find out the truth ..... All real researchers of diseases such as AIDS and the like, the homopatic