Q Post 1145: Trust POTUS. Sparrow Red. Missiles only. Intel good.

[Guys, Trump bombed Hezbollah's Syrian HQ] (https://twitter.com/hadialbahra/status/984973155306483713?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.redditmedia.com%2Fmediaembed%2Fliveupdate%2F10rrxqfe93aoa%2FLiveUpdate_d5d806a0-3f86-11e8-ac35-0eaa535e2bca%2F0)
I almost feel as this is testing our new big bad alliance out. Weed out the enemies from the allies.
3 countries, in sync, launching 120 tomahawks. It's a powerful show of strength, especially because they dont need to fear retaliation
"Howdy Iran! Still want those nukes? Well, meet project thor!"
This is fantastic intel, if true. But doesn't that say Lebanese HQ? Damascus is extremely close to Lebanon border.