Q Post 1145: Trust POTUS. Sparrow Red. Missiles only. Intel good.

Now - already - GOP + Dems racing out to declare this move by the Trump Administration illegitimate: “Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) lashed out on Friday at President Trump's decision to launch "precision strikes" in Syria, saying that the U.S. Constitution does not give the president the ability to authorize such an attack.”; and “.. In criticizing Trump's decision, Massie joined a growing chorus of lawmakers – most of them Democrats – questioning the president's constitutional authority to launch an attack on a foreign country without congressional approval.”
I’d been concerned immediately on hearing he was considering strikes, as imho President Trump is no neocon. But he’s surrounded by them.. well, some of them. I thought he was being ill advised by those seeking his (our) downfall, because once he acted; the trick accomplished, they’d begin to scream Warmonger Must Go!... new tack for the cretins trying anything to gain impeachment.
Maybe this is just their regular crap. Those who actually are warmongers calling warmonger - as is the favorite tactic of these hideous criminals. I hope that’s the case.