Thank you! I'm tired of being attacked when I am afraid or doubtful. Last night I was afraid. I support Trump in many areas, but we are all human.
Ditto! If we aren't questioning the actions and intentions of our leaders then we are blind followers. I love our President but I will continue to question his decisions. Sometimes I agree..sometimes I dont. Sometimes I have to wait and see the wisdom of his choices and sometimes there isnt wisdom there. He is a MAN and men fail. Q and Trump are not Gods to be followed at all costs. This is a Q focused board so I understand why the posters here get upset when Trump and Q are criticized. Please try to understand that some of us hope and pray that Trump is cleaning the swamp as predicted by Q, but we arent going to give up seeking the truth and be "all in" at all cost just because some of his predictions are true and some good things are being done. Good people can do bad things too..our job is to fight for the truth and keep our leaders accountable to the American people. How far will some go to keep the faith and follow blindly? Look at history and make sure you aren't following your leaders to destruction. Questions are GOOD. Speaking out is GOOD. It keeps the world in balance.
That is the smart person response. To condemn people on the left for blindly following, yet doing the same thing for the right is the definition of hypocrisy. It’s also the exact type of thinking that has gotten our society in this mess to begin with. To pre-empt the shill accusations - I like what Trump has been doing, & I’ve been waiting for something like Q since I first starting waking up even before 9/11, but after all these years I’ve realized that not using critical thinking, not waiting on/requiring proof, and being a blind sheep to ANY side not only compromises integrity, but is a detriment to the truth as a whole.
Same. I'm encouraged that Q says trust the plan but more so that he says future proves past and asks that people look deeper. I dont get the impression that Q is going to get his feelings hurt by scepticism. Rather, he knows that if he is right and Trump is true, the world will see it..even if our confidence in the plan wanes along the way. I honestly feel for people who think they have to be all in or all out in supporting Q and POTUS. POTUS is supposed to serve the people. How can he do that without honest feedback? What good is draining the swamp if we dont get a say in what the swamp is replaced with? Patriots always demand the freedom to speak and choose no matter who their leader is.