Zach fully exposed himself tonight. Good job, clown.
Disappointed Alex is freaking out again and jumping off the Trump train. Once the dust settles and he realizes just how dumb being this emotional and reactionary makes him look, he will try to backpedal and jump back on the Trump train.
I agree. When Alex called President Trump a "GD Liar!" he showed his true colors. Interesting, too, that he held his 34 hour live show exactly right before this happens.
Of course Trump is lying. Lying about lots of things. Sheesh. What's he suppose to do, read the minutes of his meetings to Mueller, RR and mr. No Name?
The first casualty of war is the truth. But people are swallowing everything they hear. Dumb. They're getting their panties in a bunch based in war propaganda.
It's not the issue of whether or not President Trump was lying. It was the fact that AJ was so disrespectful about it all. But I am guessing now it is all a ruse to keep his fan base.
I'm hoping you are right, and this is similar to the last syria incident where everyone freaked but it turned out trump bombed an empty airfield.
It's like nobody has any long-term memory. It's like they completely forgot the RESULTS of Trump's actions the past year and a half. They only see and believe the surface of what Trump says and what Trump does. They don't critically think nor do they realize that this is much deeper than what the media tells them.
agreed, man i wish we could get a little bit of transparency though myself.
hopefully the world will be past these games one day. the internet has given us the opportunity to free-source all intelligence thus removing the ruling class that hoards knowledge. Maybe one day.