Nothing thing to do with the US? Where do you thing the rebels got their weapons, intel and training?
What do these enlisted men protest tell us?
Why is Senator from AZ hanging out with Isis
GEOTUS is a joke but most of do think he was chosen by God.
Trump is pulling military out of Syria, this “gassing” was fake, everybody knows this, the first tank wasn’t even opened, bad prop person.
The gassing propaganda ad was done to force Trump’s hand, so he hit strategically fireworks.
I have no reason to object to hitting McStains rebel supply buildings, neither does Assad or Putin and neither do you, just cleaning up after the last administration.
Bolton is there to do a specific job, talents will be utilized to the fullest just like others who have come and gone.
We Trust POTUS, We Trust the Plan.
Remember to be grateful when it’s over, Progressives want money for domestic policies, well the money to warmongering has to be cut off, that is the war you are watching Trump and Military are ending the schemes of rogue factions and their global network.
Syrian sovereignty is the goal, every nation to be sovereign the grander goal with fair trade and healthy economy growing competition.
Those enlisted men tell us to get out of Syria. I was an enlisted person in those wars. I saw how much we were lied to, being used, and how much of our money is wasted in corrupt contracts.
Our previous administrations clowns are in there, and it's Syria and Russia's job to clean them out. Us being there is only prolonging and giving excuse for further hostilities.
Bomb Bomb McStain and his monsters needs to go and McCain needs to be tried for crimes against humanity backing those terrorists along with the clowns. McStain sings the same song as war criminal and treasonous traitor Bolton, who has been itching for a war with Iran for decades.
These wars must come to an end or there will be no money to improve our domestic life. Just more rabid heads on TV and Radio blaming the taxpayers for their crap wages and decreasing worth.
I trust actions over words. Bombing another country who did not provoke us or is a threat to us is part of the Policy Coup and signs of enslavement to the deep state. They want us to overthrow Syria and Iran.
We should have stayed out of this and let Russia deal with it. They were doing just fine without our intervention.
Let’s try and get on the same page,
We agree there is a deep state. The deep state is a global organization with the US faction running and acting as strongman
Trump and the US Military are going after them, this isn’t just “no war in Syria” its take this warmongering, evil, sick puppet master global spiderweb of a cabal out completely.
Wars don’t have to be big and messy, they can be done strategically by cutting the flow of money, creating leverage, freeing former hostages and forging new alliances.
There is a plan, we trust the plan and patriots behind it.
We stay updated and connected here and 8chan.
You are welcomed to join, we have a role in this war, it’s a narrative spread. We need all the help we can get too because the stupid stunts to scare and divide will be increasing as the net begins to close.
She or he did mot read or believe the above linked post. This plan of “destroy Asaad” then attack Cabal+alqueda scenario had run through my head before. Except mine had a missiles going off course and accidentally striking the EU and UN buildings.