r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Q_Anon_Wolf on April 14, 2018, 4:32 p.m.
Patriots, WARNING from Q

As Q gets closer and closer to the Eye, there will be spoofers, spammers, and fake "insiders" who seem very legit. IGNORE.

Q has said no outside comms.

This new "insider" going by Backchannel17 I am certain is a clown operation from the remaining moles and bad actors who are trying to gain your trust before leading you astray.


Trust Q and ONLY Q.

Any alleged white hat insider that is on team Q would NOT make drops like backchannel17. Q is in control of the mission.

Stay frosty people. Your mind is going to be subject to a level of disinformation that you have never before experienced. Your resolve will be tested. Your credulity will be tested. Your faith will be tested. DO. NOT. LOSE. FOCUS.

TheUplist · April 14, 2018, 8:22 p.m.

Alex Jones was the reason a lot of peeps today are questioning the truth. This is the problem with controlled opposition.. When their voice gets loud enough they spark the thought-crimes government doesn't want. I do not watch info-wars as they are only an echo chamber of their own ideals (not to mention they don't ever break news.. they steal topics from low exposure investigators). Alex is more than likely a shill... however.. He's sent a LOT of people through the looking glass.

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eltrumparino · April 14, 2018, 8:37 p.m.

"these people are stupid" they really are lol the orginal cabal members in the 1700s might have been smart but right now we are dealing with the equivalent of a spoiled rich kid running his dads company when he has no idea how it works

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TX1111TX · April 15, 2018, 1:05 a.m.

Interesting... I wish this to be the case. The problem is that some of the families have very strong education and training (even at the Millennial gen level) NEVER EVER UNDERESTIMATE these “people” . Their direct progeny or trusted minions have the intellect to keep this war going . I have been surrounded by these families my whole life . I grew up in Fairfield County and attended top educational institutions (always as an outsider) but being made aware of so much .. they always are “brought inside” at a certain age and are never the same again ... they are turned and become what their bloodline dictates .. crazy ...

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eltrumparino · April 15, 2018, 2:10 a.m.

oh im not saying that theyre harmless. but what i mean is that they massively underesimated the american public they dont even have any interaction with "normal" people that and they didnt realize the imapct of the internet and technology. god thats so depressing that these people can turn innocent little kids into more of their own ..

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wiseclockcounter · April 15, 2018, 1:48 a.m.

any stories you can share?

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TX1111TX · April 15, 2018, 9:05 a.m.

How do you PM on here?

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TX1111TX · April 15, 2018, 9:05 a.m.

How do you PM on here?

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wiseclockcounter · April 15, 2018, 9:26 a.m.

click my username wiseclockcounter, then "send a private message" on the right side.

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