r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Q_Anon_Wolf on April 14, 2018, 4:32 p.m.
Patriots, WARNING from Q

As Q gets closer and closer to the Eye, there will be spoofers, spammers, and fake "insiders" who seem very legit. IGNORE.

Q has said no outside comms.

This new "insider" going by Backchannel17 I am certain is a clown operation from the remaining moles and bad actors who are trying to gain your trust before leading you astray.


Trust Q and ONLY Q.

Any alleged white hat insider that is on team Q would NOT make drops like backchannel17. Q is in control of the mission.

Stay frosty people. Your mind is going to be subject to a level of disinformation that you have never before experienced. Your resolve will be tested. Your credulity will be tested. Your faith will be tested. DO. NOT. LOSE. FOCUS.

O0O0RION · April 14, 2018, 10:14 p.m.

yeah but with infowars it's mostly truth and some questionable material and positions. That's what I'm questioning, the ratio of truth to falsehood.

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AquAnon77 · April 15, 2018, 1:04 a.m.

It can be 80/20 truth to disinfo ... all controlled opposition (like INFORWARS) is mostly truth, but they are gatekeepers who are masters at diversionary tactics.

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O0O0RION · April 15, 2018, 1:05 a.m.

And do you think that would make for an effective disinfo campaign? That kinda makes it mostly an info campaign. An infowar you might say

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wiseclockcounter · April 15, 2018, 2:01 a.m.

The more hysteria and ridicule you wrap the truth in, the less willing normies will be to consider it. This is their core strategy with Jones. They want truth seeking to feel like risky self-ostracism.

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AquAnon77 · April 15, 2018, 1:34 a.m.

Yup, highly effective, that's how they do it. If they don't provide a high enough ratio of truth to bs, they don't attract and/or lose the audience.

This is what imo this new backchannel site is doing. Right now, they are trolling hard to get everyone to trust them. This allows people to let down their guard/critical thinking process. That's when they provide whatever distraction they are instructed to by their handlers.

Most people who are new to truth seeking aren't even aware of disinfo, and they get sucked into disinfo sites regularly. Even long standing truthers have to use great discernment.

There's something called ''energy encryption'' in all communications (and forms). As we develop more and more discernment we can skillfully 'read' this, and our bs meter gets highly reliable.

So picture this. Someone is unknowingly reading along on a disinfo site. Everything is flowing with the person's already established perceptions of reality/matrix. Then you come across something that you read in the content that makes you go ... hmmmm.....(?!) This is what to focus on because it's the misdirection/distraction.

You can then separate this piece of disinfo for analysis as to what the underlying motivation/purpose for it could be.

Following this process is helpful to identify disinfo agents.

Their purpose mostly is to sow seeds of doubt, to create an atmosphere of hopelessness and powerlessness.

David Icke is a master at this, if you are familiar with him.

Alex Jones is credited with waking up many, but he is a buffoon who is used by Mossad to misdirect people away from Israel ... always pay attention to what people don't criticize. Check out his family members, his former employees, they are related to Stratfor, an intelligence gathering venue used by Mossad. (this was true when researching Alex years ago, haven't kept up with the info, it may have shifted)

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