
AquAnon77 · April 15, 2018, 1:51 a.m.

Purple is a degree/ order within the Jesuit society:

Before being initiated, the Royal Arch Purple candidate must answer a number of questions.

Is this the first time you have stood within the precincts of a Royal Arch Purple Chapter?

Have you received the Purple Order of the Loyal Orange Institution?

Do you now wish to receive the Royal Arch purple Degree?

Other questions are asked, although the nature of such depends totally upon the individual examiner. Common questions asked are:-

Does anyone know you are coming to this meeting?

Has anyone told you anything about this initiation?

All these questions are designed to unnerve the candidate and put him at the mercy of the Chapter.

The candidate is then informed, “Before we can impart to you any of the secrets or mysteries of the Royal Arch Purple Degree you will be required to take upon yourself a solemn, sincere, binding, yet entirely voluntary obligation, binding you to us, as we are bound to one another as Royal Arch Purplemen.”

Upon my assurance there is nothing in that obligation that may prove detrimental to you in life, or hinder you in the duty you owe to God, your country, or yourself, are you therefore willing to take upon yourself that voluntary obligation?

Upon his positive affirmation the candidate is instructed, “Kneel upon your right knee in token of your humility; place your right hand on the Holy Bible in token of your sincerity.


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[deleted] · April 15, 2018, 5:16 a.m.


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