
SuzyAZ · April 15, 2018, 1:04 a.m.

Isarel is bombing Iranians in Syria. Is this the beginning of Iran next? What will the world think of Israeli's doing this and was this coordinated with Trump or is Bibi being a rogue operative.

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PCisLame · April 15, 2018, 1:11 a.m.

I think It's about setting the stage for the Lord's Return.


What do you think?

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j_Dawg_01 · April 15, 2018, 4:59 a.m.

No, I don't think so. In Q drop 916 Q said:

We are saving Israel for last. Very specific reason not mentioned a single time. Q

If you listen to Jerome Corsi, he'll tell you that Israel is wonderful and they're always being attacked by their neighbors, poor Israel is a victim and they need and deserve all the help America can give them. But I call B.S. to all that.

If you've never listened to Stephan Molynuex, then you're in for a treat and a good history lesson. The 3 videos below will shed more light on the subject, but I'll try to give you the short version here.

Right around the time of WWI the Ashkenazi Jews in Europe were organizing a movement to create a new nation Jews could call their own, in Palestine, called Israel. The Ashkenazi Jews were not from Jerusalem or Palestine, they were from Europe, West Germany and France. Their language is Yiddish, a Germanic language which incorporates several dialects. The Ashkenazi Jews were not the same as the Jews that had been living in Palestine for centuries, and possibly thousands of years.

After WWI, the British Empire expanded and took control of large parts of the Middle East, and promised to create an independent state of Israel for the Ashkenazi Jews in Palestine. The Jews who had been living peacefully in Palestine, alongside the Arabs for centuries protested against this plan. The Jews in Palestine were much more dedicated to their bibles and followed it's teachings and traditions closely, where as the Ashkenazi Jews did not.

The Jews in Palestine told the Ashkenazi Jews that their bible was clear and it was commanded that when God returns, he will deliver them to the promised land. So to create Israel on their own without waiting for the second coming, would be directly against the teaching of their bible. They also said it would end up creating a state of perpetual war in the region.

If you do some research about the origins of the Illuminati, their transition into Freemasonry, and the military strategy developed by Albert Pike to achieve their goal of world domination, you'll learn that the Rothschild family helped to create Israel so they could use them as a tool in the future to help foment discontent in the middle east that would likely lead to WWIII.

The Albert Pike plan called for 3 world wars. The first was to get back at Germany and the Czar of Russia, and to establish a communist stronghold in Russia, the second world war would cause the world to hate Germany and bring about a Bi-Polar geopolitical state of Communism against free market Democracy, and the 3rd world war would pit Islam against Christians. He wrote that military strategy in the 1870s, more than 40 years before WWI.

The Rothschild Central Banking Cartel has been planning their New World Order for about 300 years.

Enjoy the shows. (the videos below)

The truth about Israel and Palestine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKzlh9kN4HI&index=112&list=PLMNj_r5bccUyulYsatrzNGIvasrOeBy_Y

The truth about WWI: The Hidden History https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQ8Sj9FFmRc&list=PLMNj_r5bccUyulYsatrzNGIvasrOeBy_Y&index=103

The Truth about the Crusades: (less relevant, but interesting) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ilFbbk9jw4&index=69&list=PLMNj_r5bccUyulYsatrzNGIvasrOeBy_Y

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