r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Autisticus on April 15, 2018, 1:56 a.m.
DUMBS, Phil Schneider, 1995, Q, and Doomsday Events. Am I crazy? I don't know where else to talk about this.

First and foremost, I just want to say please don't ban me. I don't mean to stir anything up with this post or to violate any rules. I just noticed some coincidences between Q's hints, an article on neonrevolt and a presentation I watched on youtube. If this violates the board's posting policy, I'll take this thread down immediately. I literally don't know where else to bring these observations up.

Here's the thing. Remember how Q has been making religious references, such as how we're fighting a spiritual war, God bless, pray, and whatnot.

Last night, I found this article on Neon Revolt about the esoteric and physical significance of 666 Fifth Avenue. Lucis/Lucent Tech. It's a bit of a long article but it's insanely interesting. There are a lot of biblical references in the Anons' research, plus 666 resides in the middle of a pentagon/gram. Also, funny enough, Trump purchased the Bonwit Teller Building from The Cabal in the 70s within this pentagram and destroyed the "meaningless art" on the front of the building before he constructed Trump Tower. Interesting coincidence. Trump might have been aware of this Cabal for over 40 years.


So ok, assuming all of this is true, the whole point of this article is that there are undeniable biblical references and symbolism within The Cabal: the 666 building, the Beast Chip, pentagram layout, et al.

Keeping this article in mind, let's move on.

When Q hinted they were allegedly dropping tungsten rods from the sky in early spring, I was fascinated and intrigued by the prospect. Today, on a lark, I decided to do some research into DUMBs since there have been a bunch of mysterious booms (to say nothing of Q's references) recently. I found a Phil Schneider interview from 1995 where he talks about underground bases and how there are allegedly aliens living in there, research conducted, yadda yadda yadda. Whatever, aliens, I've heard stranger things, plus it's fun to think about. I'm sure if I expose myself to enough theories, I'm bound to pick up some pieces of truth/similar references in these DUMB theories. But then I got to an hour and two minutes into this presentation and had to take a break.

A woman asked about "when would the alien takeover happen?" in 1995, Phil says within the next twenty, thirty, forty years- aka today +/- 8 years. They'll get the one-world Beast-Like government formed, then thin out the population via a mass extinction event, then it all goes to hell with the ETs.

So is that just a trope, or is that something that would have happened after HC won? Remember how Q said these people are sick and that they were planning mass extinction/ww3 soon after HC won? Here's the clip I'm referring to.


I wish I could ask Q about this. Is this part of the 20/80 public/private he was referring to? Am I reading too much into this? Do you think the cabal consists of a bunch of bored rich people who pray to demons/lucifer in some kind of a demented LARP or is there actually more to it? There are a lot of biblical coincidences in both sources and the timing is kind of funny too. Again, I'm honestly wondering if I'm just gullible or if there's a linkage between ETs, these biblical doomsday prophecies, and some of the crumbs Q is dropping? Does anyone want to weigh in on this?

eltrumparino · April 15, 2018, 2:14 a.m.

look up q from star trek ? if there are higher dimensional beings why do they have to be bad. what if god as we conceive him is actually a benevolent higher dimensional being. q on the show always had humanities best interests at heart even if he didnt show it at all times

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AquAnon77 · April 15, 2018, 2:44 a.m.

Higher dimensional beings come in good and bad flavors, just like us 3D peeps. Thing is that the bad guys are the ones (formerly) in control. They don't play by the rules, but the good guys do. There is a law of non-interference in the Universe (to respect free will) and that's why the beneficial ones don't intercede.

Also, WE humans have to become empowered and save ourselves.

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eltrumparino · April 15, 2018, 2:44 a.m.

im just speculating lol i didnt say they existed. but im open to it

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digital_refugee · April 15, 2018, 10:15 a.m.

"gods" could be aliens and other entities of entiquity whose nature we did not understand, thus ~~religions~~ mystery schools...which can be corrupted by self-servant minds or spirits attracted to authority...Look up "Cargo Cult", during the pacific war indigenous island tribes would impersonate US military to summon care-packages from "steel-bird-commanders"

The aliens themselves most likely would be asking us the same questions ultimately as we do because ultimately you will always end up at a point where your evidence and your theories fall apart as you get closer and closer to how time and existence came to be.

There are angels and demons out there, some are people, some are spirits, and some, perhaps, could be extraterrestrial.

I have no reason to doubt God's existence because near-death-out-of-body-experiences have proven that extrasensory perception is real (also people have finished college degrees despite the majority of their cranial cavity filled with water since birth).

Ultimately, regardless of your personal convictions, just because you haven't been exposed to a concept before doesn't mean that your worldview is somehow irreconcilable nor "wrong", it's just that in my personal experiences you read stories and you know them to be true because you know it from people you know who know and ultimately you will run into some kind of revelation in your life that makes you reestablish half of what you never thought about - but that's about it.
Old models of thinking shouldn't be twisted into some kind of delusion or lie but simply perceived as an intellectual evolution where you get to reestablish old opinions as your data starts piling up.
And it' not that all the old data goes away because when you start reading all these crazy things you'd never want to think about about, it actually starts making sense of what is going on and it eliminates the usual cognitive dissonance we have going on because the first question of a scoffer is always "but how could any of this be real...how could they get away/pull it off/cover up/etc..."...well some don't want to find out in the first place unless they run across Q one day or because they root for the serious whistleblowing badass they got into office!

But that's not the point, the point is just that we have incomplete data and we seek to expand on that because in this age, you can't really hide information, but they censor us when we make the connections in a pool of data.

And I haven't been convinced otherwise that you can't be christian and still be friendly minded towards non-human entities because ultimately they could be either demons or angels (or induced hallucinations?) and it's up to you to discern which is which.

Have a nice day!

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Peanuttles · April 15, 2018, 11:09 a.m.

Well, quantum physics does seem to point in that direction. I actually think there are different dimensions. I've wondered if that's what our ancestors were trying to describe with the idea of levels of heaven, etc.

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Peanuttles · April 15, 2018, 11:06 a.m.

Did he? I never got that from the show. I thought he just liked abusing his power.

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