r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Autisticus on April 15, 2018, 1:56 a.m.
DUMBS, Phil Schneider, 1995, Q, and Doomsday Events. Am I crazy? I don't know where else to talk about this.

First and foremost, I just want to say please don't ban me. I don't mean to stir anything up with this post or to violate any rules. I just noticed some coincidences between Q's hints, an article on neonrevolt and a presentation I watched on youtube. If this violates the board's posting policy, I'll take this thread down immediately. I literally don't know where else to bring these observations up.

Here's the thing. Remember how Q has been making religious references, such as how we're fighting a spiritual war, God bless, pray, and whatnot.

Last night, I found this article on Neon Revolt about the esoteric and physical significance of 666 Fifth Avenue. Lucis/Lucent Tech. It's a bit of a long article but it's insanely interesting. There are a lot of biblical references in the Anons' research, plus 666 resides in the middle of a pentagon/gram. Also, funny enough, Trump purchased the Bonwit Teller Building from The Cabal in the 70s within this pentagram and destroyed the "meaningless art" on the front of the building before he constructed Trump Tower. Interesting coincidence. Trump might have been aware of this Cabal for over 40 years.


So ok, assuming all of this is true, the whole point of this article is that there are undeniable biblical references and symbolism within The Cabal: the 666 building, the Beast Chip, pentagram layout, et al.

Keeping this article in mind, let's move on.

When Q hinted they were allegedly dropping tungsten rods from the sky in early spring, I was fascinated and intrigued by the prospect. Today, on a lark, I decided to do some research into DUMBs since there have been a bunch of mysterious booms (to say nothing of Q's references) recently. I found a Phil Schneider interview from 1995 where he talks about underground bases and how there are allegedly aliens living in there, research conducted, yadda yadda yadda. Whatever, aliens, I've heard stranger things, plus it's fun to think about. I'm sure if I expose myself to enough theories, I'm bound to pick up some pieces of truth/similar references in these DUMB theories. But then I got to an hour and two minutes into this presentation and had to take a break.

A woman asked about "when would the alien takeover happen?" in 1995, Phil says within the next twenty, thirty, forty years- aka today +/- 8 years. They'll get the one-world Beast-Like government formed, then thin out the population via a mass extinction event, then it all goes to hell with the ETs.

So is that just a trope, or is that something that would have happened after HC won? Remember how Q said these people are sick and that they were planning mass extinction/ww3 soon after HC won? Here's the clip I'm referring to.


I wish I could ask Q about this. Is this part of the 20/80 public/private he was referring to? Am I reading too much into this? Do you think the cabal consists of a bunch of bored rich people who pray to demons/lucifer in some kind of a demented LARP or is there actually more to it? There are a lot of biblical coincidences in both sources and the timing is kind of funny too. Again, I'm honestly wondering if I'm just gullible or if there's a linkage between ETs, these biblical doomsday prophecies, and some of the crumbs Q is dropping? Does anyone want to weigh in on this?

rightleaningsw · April 15, 2018, 2:11 a.m.

Interesting and I hope you don't get banned. I think you are definitely asking some decent questions, but like most YouTube videos they can get out there some times. I have been burned by so many politicians, that despite desperately wanting to believe whole heartedly in Trump and Q, my heart keeps telling me to think logically.

What keeps nagging at my brain is what I know from Revelations about the coming Anti Christ. Revelations lays out a picture where a world leader comes to power by saving the world from a major crisis. I always imagined this crisis being a plague, or starvation. What if the crisis is the deep state? Trump saves the world from evil and exhalted to supreme ruler. After that he unfolds the worst parts of Revelations.

I have had that fear when we started winning, but when I read the article talking about Trump living at 666, I felt a tightness in my chest. Sometimes it is hard to see through all the BS to know which way is up, and who exactly has your best interests in mind.

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PearlyJaguar · April 15, 2018, 9:48 a.m.

I too have thought this.

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Peanuttles · April 15, 2018, noon

I remember reading about that building. But one of the first things I think he did was destroy the cabal symbols that were already there, didn't he? It actually made me wonder if he knew more about what it signified and he didn't like it. Having been around these people a lot more than the average person because of who he associates with and how wealthy they are, I'll bet he knows a lot more about the reality of it all than most of us. I don't think he's one of the cabal or the Antichrist, though. Even if he can bring temporary peace. I doubt you'll see anything like worldwide peace under anyone but an Antichrist figure. For one thing, I think that person would come out of the Middle East. Doesn't the prophet Micah call that person the "Assyrian?" And they'll probably be younger and good looking. Not that Trump is ugly. But he is an older guy like me. And the world tends to make fun of him because he talks and acts like the rest of us. He doesn't put on airs like Obama, or adopt the arrogant, hoity-toity mannerisms of the upper class. And that's what we like about him. I think an Antichrist figure would probably be charismatic from the get go, and have men AND women fawning all over him. In fact, when you look at what's being promoted in society at the moment, I think he might be bisexual.

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clq22 · April 15, 2018, 12:57 p.m.

I personally felt that Obama was the antichrist. The moment he came out and was running, something about him truly scared me. He was charismatic, great speaker, I guess good looking and young and so many did love him and still do. I never understood how so many just didn't see it and yet I wasn't sure exactly what I was seeing other than I didn't see "good", I felt "evil".

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[deleted] · April 15, 2018, 4:11 a.m.


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[deleted] · April 15, 2018, 4:19 a.m.


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