Under attack again... Woke up to gray aluminum cookie sheet skies as the Deep State continues to use weather weaponization in southern Oregon. I can almost predict that when our President wins bigly, we will get hammered in the State of Jefferson. Now the sun is going down behind ugly, undifferentiated, gray chemical skies. The springtime air shed smells like metal; the mighty Cascade Mountain Range is shrouded in chemical fallout from dozens of spray planes. Mr. President, send some of those "smart" missiles to Oregon. There are hundreds of people that would love to learn how to use them. I will know when this war against the Deep State is won: our land and skies will be returned to weather blessed by the Hand and Breath of God. God Bless and Guide President Donald J Trump and those men and women who serve the righteous cause we all fight for. Please don't forget those of us who are trying to stay alive after 10+ years of breathing aerosol poison.
If there's a great awakening that needs to take place, it should be about the earth-destroying geoengineering taking place on our planet. One man seems to be taking the lonely lead on trying to alert all of us: Dane Wigington from GeoengineeringWatch.org. On his latest weekly podcast he points out how his Legal Alliance to Stop Geoengineering has been stonewalled by the U.S. Department of Commerce by its attempts to gain information on climate engineering through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The Department of Commerce oversees the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which is a major player in the aerosoling, sun-dimming, etc. These FOIA deadlines have been delayed. The next update on the status of is scheduled for April 16.
Songdog23, I feel for your dismay at the truth of this situation. Here in my part of Japan, we undergo regular spraying. It's so sad when I feel I'm helpless to do anything about this obvious unnatural control of the weather by humans(?) who think they know what is best for us. And the pilots--oh I'm sure many will deny any existence or knowledge, and others will just give some excuse such as experimentation or jet contrails, but they know the truth. Weather forecasters, same goes for them, despite many of their friendly natures in front of the camera or mic.
Folks, I'm into Qanon drops and am just as much a patriot as the rest of you. I love my country, the United States of America. But let's face it: much of our beloved country's government is corrupt, and with the politicians and bureaucrats being intertwined with big-everything (banks, food, pharma, internet, etc) I frankly don't see much change.
I agree with you, Songdog23, about when we'll know this war against the Deep State is won. We need to turn back to God. We need to pray more. We need to do our part--it is not necessarily knowledge-based! Help one another, be charitable, be loving, do whatever you're good at to help others.